'droopy pants' law.

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:lol: anyone who doesnt pull there pants up to their belly button is a loser and now also a criminal.
I can't stand how some people (usually guys) wear their pants like that, and you see them always pulling them up slightly as they must actually be falling off! Don't they realise how stupid it looks. I know I sound like a prude but really......I bet when they get older and look back at that style they will cringe. I've always wanted to go up to them and finish the job...pull them right down. That would be so funny but I would probably get my head smacked in. If there is anyone on here who wears their pants like that please explain why, seriously, I'd like to know.
Before I'd been to some of the less touristy areas of Florida something like this would have surprised me. Some of the stuff I saw there put any other freak show I know of to shame, and if I'd not seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it! People displaying their bums is the least of Florida's fashion worries! :shock:
thanks Sdaji, I took it that he was a 'juvenile' thats why I wondered how old he was.:)
Almost killed myself laughing the other week. A bit on t.v. showing the police chasing some "cool" kids.
They were trying to run and use both hands to hold their pants up at the same time.
It looked so funny and needless to say they couldn't run all that fast.......
ha my male mates do that some time so i came up behind them and i yank them up so high they yelp! HA
im probably going to get drilled for this, but i wear my jeans like that, well most of the time, because if i get jeans that fit around the waist, they feel like **** around the rest of my legs, i try to wear a belt when possible, so that im not pulling them up all the time, but most days im too lazy to go to the effort, so instead im stuck with pulling them up all day, my brothers reason is "i like having people stare at my ****"

i try to get them so they sit on my hips and i dont have to pull them up, they only ever seem to fall down when you cant pull them bac up, when your carrying something, or pushing a wheelbarrow, and they fall down to your ankles and you have to waddle the rest of the way, anyways, the point im trying to make is, i dont do it cos its cool, i do it cos its a hell of alot more comfortable then jeans that fit, and i would wear a belt to eep them up if i wasnt so damn lazy.

sorry if there are spelling mistakes , the "k" button doesnt work on this keyboard
I'm not bothered by it - I definitely don't think it should be illegal. If they want to walk around looking like idiots with their pants halfway down their bum, that's their problem. I'm sure they'll regret it in hindsight :lol:.

The thought of it actually being made illegal... I think I saw something about that on Sunrise (a guy in Melbourne was supporting the idea), and I literally cracked up laughing. Seriously, is it that much of an issue? Lighten up a little. :p
mackellar007........you must be a funny shape, I've never had trouble getting jeans that fit.

Maybe you could look real cool and wear braces........
a guy i used to work with was a massive culprit to this 'droopy ants' phenomena, and one day the boss went on a tirade, strode right up behind him, grabbed him by the belt and wrenched his pants up under his elbows.
Comfortable or not, it looks untidy. I also hate pants that are too long and people wear them fully covering their shoes and they get freyed and dirty, thats tacky.
Dino are you are fashion disigner? :p but seriously is it that bad someone should get arested for slightly droopy pants?
Comfortable or not, it looks untidy. I also hate pants that are too long and people wear them fully covering their shoes and they get freyed and dirty, thats tacky.

hahaha that comes with the whole buying pants too big thing, cant wear converse or volleys because the back of the jeans get all ripped from stepping on them, why does it matter if it looks untidy?
No I'm not a fashion designer and I don't think its something someone should get arrested for either. I have definately had my share of wearing things I shouldn't have, I look back now and think OMG what was I thinking :oops:. But with the whole dirty ripped pants thing what am really wondering is how they get them clean! But I'm guessing if they wear them that way, cleaning them is the least of their worries.
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