Egg gone bad ???

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2008
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Brighton, Vic
Hey guys,

I have some Levis Levis eggs that have been incubating for 65 days today. Up until yesterday they both looked fine and what i considered to be normal (these are the first eggs i have ever incubated). Now one of the eggs has developed a darker patch on one of the ends of the egg. Has it gone bad? Or is this normal? It isnt in contact with any other eggs, the humidity seems fine, the egg hasnt come into contact with any water or water droplets.

Is this normal?
Dosn't sound normal Jay,just leave it you never know mate.
Alot of the time their first clutch can be infertile,u can normally tell after a week though.
This is her second clutch Brettix, her first clutch were duds.

The other eggs still looks perfect and flawless. It just seems weird its done it on day 63 of incubation?
Being in the incubator for 63 days if it wasnt fertile wouldnt it have gone bad alot quicker,in the first week or two..How many days do they generally take to hatch,either way i would still leave it,you would be surprised how some eggs hatch considering their colour etc...All the best Jay....MARK
Thanks Pythons73. the eggs take anywhere from 65 days to hatch depending on temps. My temps have been a little lower so im expecting them to take longer. The first clutch she laid went bad in the first week, they just shrivelled up lol

this one has looked perfect till now. the other one is still perfect looking?
darker patch or 'window'? snake eggs do the same just prior to hatching its when the animal is trying to scratch pip out. can you get some pics up?
is your humidity still up? Usually its just scratch marks of lizard trying to get out.
Leave it be and wait.. thats all you can do, opening the egg won't help if it is alive. Some levis slugs don't go bad and stay in perfect looking condition for 70 - 80 plus days (untill I have bothered to candle them and realise there is no embroy inside), I can't think of any oher species of herp that have done that to me, but it has happeed a few times with my levis, other eggs go bad within a few weeks... Eggs, esp lizard eggs can vary by days / weeks and even months from the "normal" hatching times... In general though, levis lay a few slugs each year esp at the start and end of the season, just something you have to expect.
Often lizard eggs get a dark shade over them the day before hatching, may not be whats happening in your case but just thought I'd throw it in for interests sake...
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