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Active Member
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
eastern Melbourne
So much for being anonymous...Just spent the day at the expo here in Melb...half way through a chap came up and said hi..and...do you go onto the python site?...when I said yes he said :" thought I recognised you from your avatar pic"
Isnt the internet a great place!
Haha. It is! :lol: Thats happened to me a few times, doesnt it feel weird?

But i love it when people come up to me! : )
Well u cant be anonymous when u have your pic in front of us all now can you ? ;)
I was surprised too Moreliaman..deidnt think my pic was that good!
and when alls said and done..this may be as close as I get to my 15 min of fame :lol:

Betchya don't!

People still come up to me every now and then and go 'hey you're that guy who ......' And then they want to tell you a story that they think you'd be interested in and ur not but you have to look like you are other wise you're jerk.

Just let me live my life!
that's why I love being a jerk :) dont' have to listen to stories!!! wooo win win :p
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