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Not so new Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Brisbane QLD
just wondering why my personal gallery has been missing for the last 3 days ?? -
Yeah mine's missing today..well it was earlier. I wouldn't worry too much about it. The site's run hella well, give 'em some time and I'm sure it'll be up and running before you know it. :D

(Junior, please back up my blind faith in you. Lol :D )
HEY mine too!!!!! Maybe all those untittled have something to do with it.Please fix it,fix it man.
There's a problem with the gallery. Adam will get to it. Please be patient.
I thought you would get to it. I am patient ,take your time.
Hey, Africa, you DO know that sarcasm is the lowest form of humour! :)
I spoken to Junior and he said that lost albums will be gone. Sad for some people. I think we are talking about 4 members.
Certainly looks that way. :-( Create a new album.
god u know how long it takes to upload those pics? and i had like 40 in there...
Alright, so I guess I'm one of the one's who's gallery's gone. No sweat. But I did a search and my photos came up, but also with the message: "Error: Some albums not searched as they require upgrading to the latest version of Gallery first."
Uh, what the? :?
he he mine is still there even though there isnt much in it :)
I am apologysing for junior here. He is doing exams in year 12 so he can not do anything now. He said that he will fix all april 10. Galory nis working now, just 4 people who lost they galories do have that bad luck. If anything will be possible to retreve, we will try.
Oh man it takes so Loooooong!!!!! Lucky I have half a carton of VB.Shhhhhht,that's the first one opened so here I go and create a new album. :p
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