gekko stuff

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2010
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just the other side of a galaxy not to far from th
hi guys i am new to this site and was looking around at the reptiles everybody has and have become interested in gekkos and was hoping you guys could answer some of my questions i have (own no replites at all at this point in time)

qu.1 how much

around how much will it cost ( top to bottom from the licence to the gekko its self)


what laws are there ( nsw)


what size enclosure would be required? i have a semicircle fish tank with a crack on the back so cant hold water but can it hold a gekko (35 cm across 40ish cm high)


equipment list ie tank lamp heat mat ect


any gekko infomation anything from tips , recomended types of gekko to your experiances


what is normaly involved? ( dogs u walk and feed fish u clean tank and stuff like that)

it does NOT HAVE to be a gekko but it does have to be a small because it needs to fit in my room on my desk so any other small lizzards you guys know of please share

all info will be good and remember im new to this so please umm "normal" words because i do not know what you would be meaning :lol:
Doing some research is a great place to start. What kind of geckos are you interested in? Levis and thick-tails are good beginner geckos. Google some care sheets on them.
Hey Dossy,

I am far from an expert but alot of what you are asking is going to depend on what type of gecko you get. I will however recomend that you head down to your local libary (or if you are serious about this go out an buy your self a copy as its a great reference book) and get out a book called "Keeping and Breeding Australian Lizards" by Mike Swan very informative and some very detailed pics. Also another great book is "Keeping Australian Geckos" by Rob Porter (again buy this if your getting into this).
These 2 books are a great starting point to find out about geckos and what there requirements are also giving you a lot of information that you are asking about in the above post but broken down for each type of gecko that is out there (and there is alot).
As for licencing I am sure there will be people from NSW that will be able to answer all your questions on that but start with reading about and understanding what it is you want because one thing they dont mention in all the books I have read but you will see here on this site alot is they should come with a warning lable "HIGHLY ADDICTIVE". GL and hope this helps
I agree with above,. you really need to look into which species your are interested in keeping,.
there are many many different species of Geckos & each have different requirements.
thank you guys. i was thinking about lepperd gecko velvert gecko or maybe something from australian desert.

i like the look of the velvet gecko and lepperd gecko along with the levis and ring taild geckos but are these natives?
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You can only (legally) purchase and keep Austalian Natives unless you have a very special licence like zoos.
thank you for that psimmo i have had a good look at the geckos you can keep. i liked the look of the following any recomendations??

Marbled gecko ( i realy like)
Box-Patterned Gecko
Prickly Gecko (realy like this 1 as well)
Beaded Gecko
Northern Spotted Velvet Gecko (like both nth and sth)
Southern spotted velvet gecko
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