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Not so new Member
May 23, 2003
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I am looking at getting for my next snake a Green Tree Snake (Dendrelaphis punctulatus) and would much like it if other people who own such snakes to give a general run down as l have heard some vast different stories, any info would be welcome thankyou.
Can be difficult feeders. Their natural diet is small frogs and garden skinks etc...
We had a thread on common tree snakes recently, general info was that they can be tricky to get onto mice, they prefer frogs,skinks and small fish which isn't to say they wont eat mice if you persist. I believe they would need larger enclosures than pythons as they can be a very active snake, but that may be my opinion only. They also come in different colour variations,green, blue,yellow, olive etc They are not venemous and from my experience of handling them are mostly quite good with handling. I have caught and handled a few and only came across one snappy one, but some would say they are not as good as pythons in that way. They often eat my Fathers goldfish from his pond so goldfish may be an easy to acquire food source. Brown tree snakes are venemous, though fairly harmless, and a few members on this site own them so may be able to fill you in on them also.
Anyway good luck with it, I also hope to acquire one soon as they are awesome snakes, especially when in a defensive pose, beautiful colours and a great streamlined shape to them. You can also keep plants with them and they wont damage them to much.
My thoughts on Green Tree Snakes is that they are extremely prolific in my suburb and seem to have a sneaky habit of turning up when I'm gardening in and around the bushes in my yard. They are rather fond of the clothes line but skaddle when I turn up which is appreciated. One word of advice is these snakes can stink!! If they feel threatened they will excrete the most awful bloody smell and in confined spaces like the car this is unpleasant to say the least. A diet of frog probably does them no favours!
i have never kept green tree snakes, but i come across them around my street sometimes(they are ususally dead because my neighbours dont like snakes). i have seen young one eat a garden skink once. it spent a week outside my window with a bulge in its stomach. dont make them angry, Rena's right they can let of a nasty pong if they want to. they seem to prefure living near water. thats why i find them near my fishpond.

just curious but i would just like to know how venomous brown tree snakes are(what it is the largest prey they can kill with venom)
most of the ones that i know of only eat fish out of their enclosures. they are meant to be a very hard snake to feed but i have never kept any. although i do keep banded tree snakes....
Morelia man, just curious, do your bandeds carry on with this farting fiasco aswell? Or is that just a perk of common tree snakes only?
Don't know about MM but one of my friends have both green tree and brown tree.The bandeds were great pretty good to handle but didn't have problems feeding you just more or less have to be patient.2 out of 4 ate that was rats.A bowl goldfish works like a charm.The green tree's only eat goldfish great to watch though.Am wanting some myself chasing up the blue phase.
His common brown tree was very feisty was very entertaining cause he was small and just sat there waking and waking at us.He just couldn't draw blood although he was really trying.So as an adult think it could interesting.Very nice snakes .
thank you all for the replys, l think l will go ahead with it, the odour thing is an interesting surprize but l will see how l go. You all have made the brown an interesting snake as well but then l think all reps are that but will look into them a little bit more.
can anyone who keeps a green tree snake tell me if they make the smell often. I believe that they will make the smell if provoked but will it happen ever time l have my hands in the tank or every time l try to handle them.
do your bandeds carry on with this farting fiasco aswell? Or is that just a perk of common tree snakes only?

i have had my bandeds try to deficate on my many times. not a very nice smell....
and another thing, i only ever handle my bandeds when i have to, these snakes imo arn't to be handled as (mine anyway) are very vicious
Morelia_man said:
i only ever handle my bandeds when i have to, these snakes imo arn't to be handled as (mine anyway) are very vicious
Thanks Morelia, I've come to that understanding. Still keen to get some and just treat appropriately.
What I am more concerned with(as lame as it may sound) is whether they regularly drop stinkers cause I had intended to display them in my lounge room(dark corner) and didn't want to stink the house out! I remember that common tree snakes would not release smell defence once they got used to being handled(re;Rlowey's question), but if Bandeds dont really get used to having you round wouldn't they be unhappy with people looking at them regularly(such as in a lounge room)?
Appreciate your advice Morelia as doesn't seem to be many people with tree snake experience round suprisingly.
Parko you have raised the exact question that has been on my mind since finding out about the smell problem. I intend to keep the enclosure in a common living room area and dont wish them to drop smells every time someone walks by. Morelia you sound like the man to talk to so if you have any other advice l would really appreciate it.
Morelia you sound like the man to talk to so if you have any other advice l would really appreciate it.
lol nah im sure their is some more experianced keepers out their who have these species of snake on this site... but with the "dropping sinkers" problem, i wouldn't worry about it. just spot clean every time they deficate
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