Handling spencers monitor...how often.

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2008
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hey guys. well i have had my little spencer now for about a month.
i guess i was just after some advice on how often i should be handling it. i have read some people handle everyday or every few days, but then i have also read that in order for a rather tame spencer only handle after they are about 12 months old. so was after some info from the more monitor experienced. many thanks guys.
mel. ;)
I think its best to avoid doing anything that stirs them up, picking them up will almost definetly do that if the monitor feels threatened by you. I think the best way is to be patient and just gradually let it get used to you being near them, for eg. just opening up the enclosure and having your arm in there without it being scared, then eventually let it get used to your hand being near it(not around feeding), just taking it slowly untill they arnt bothered by you at all and size/age helps with this too. Moving into a new home is also quite stressful and they may take a while to settle in.
thankyou cris, i was hoping you would right something. lol
i only handle when cleaning the enclosure. and its only to quickly put her in a tub and then put her back in. i spend a bit of time with her door open and just sitting in front of it watching her, once she even came out and sat on my shoe, then ran back in.
ya just read so much stuff about handling and not too and since it is my first monitor i wanted to make sure i did it correctly.
also, do u know much about uv for them. do they need it everyday, or just a few times a week.
keep their belly's full!

im in the same boat as you mel, im taming up a spencers...

im slowly getting him into feeding from the tweezers. so like the beardies we have once you click the tweezers they come running over for food.

also going to start putting my hand in the enclosure then feed him while he is on my hand.

but then again i dont see that happening for another 6 to 12 months
crocdoc off youtube has some insane videos of lacies his tamed... hes given me a few pointers.
It doesn't matter how much you handle them or don't handle them, over several years they will learn to get used to humans, they arn't a bitey species anyway.
hey guys. thanks for the comments. at the moment am just sticking to the non handling method. i can feed her off the tweezers without a problem. i just have to be very slow with my moment, if i move to fast she huffs and puffs and whips that tail . lol. and i sit my hand in there sometimes, just for ten minutes at a time, not moving. she is learning to move around with me being there. such inquistive animals.
It doesn't matter how much you handle them or don't handle them, over several years they will learn to get used to humans, they arn't a bitey species anyway.

jason, hav u got any updated pics of ur spencer, i remember ur old thread about the funny way it slept. i am sseeing that in mine. she will be upside down one minute and then on her side the next. they are very funny. lol
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