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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2004
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Hello all…..

I will start by saying how sorry I am too here about yvettenjosh for the lose of his reptiles, this is becoming too common, wasn’t so long ago when Neil Sonnamon was broken into, it doesn’t matter what is taken it hurt just as much.

For me this has totally crushed me to a point for not wanting to be apart of anything herpetological again other than my own private life and collection. I will continue to herp as I have always done, but inviting anyone into my reptile world again will no longer happen and any reptiles I sell will be thru other trusted breeders.

I would like to thank all those that have supported me in many ways and you guys will know who you are in time…thankyou also for the offer of animals to continue my collection but I can not accept as I am too proud a person. But you’re your offers and support hasn’t been unnoticed.

As far as the search for my animals are going, well Police have come up with nothing, and if I don’t come up with anything, I will never get them back…So if any of you have them they are worthless too you, I have that many people looking for them and if you so ever move them we will find out, and you will be caught….and everyone will know.

So I will be around somewhere but I am not going to be involved like I use to be and I wont be using this user name anymore I will re join sometime in the future and just keep to myself….

Thankyou Marc
you must be a strong person, my burtons died a few days ago and im still shattered, to loose that many and still be going is something to admire. i really hope you get them back and the person who stole them's head is on your wall.

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