JET-005 Thermostat Alarm Issue

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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So I've recently purchased two JET-005 day/night dimming thermostats, and I have a rather annoying problem with them.
When they switch between their day and night cylces, the alarms continually go off.
I know the reason...
The alarms have a threshold setting of (max)5 degrees c, which I've set them at.
When the day cycle turns on(set at 34c) the temp alarms go off because the temp is below the alarm threshold of 5c, and don't stop until the temp reaches above 29c.
Then when the night cycle kicks in(set at 19c), the alarms go off until the temp reaches below the 5c threshold(24c).

The ambient temp of the room the enclosures are in is about 22c, so it can take hours for the enclosure temps to reach my desired set temps. It's 11:45pm now and the night cycle is set to kick in at 7pm and one tank is still just above 24c - it's been almost five hours and one alarm is still going off!

My question is does anyone know how to simply disable the alarms all together, or is there a way to resolve the problem at all?

Cheers guys.
If it could take hours for your enclosure to reach optimum heat, I suggest you upgrade your heat source to a higher wattage. I would also find a way to better insulate your enclosures. If you do that it should help your electric bill as well. They shouldn't take that long to reach your desired temp. I have both pulse and on/off thermostats. My pulse thermostats run at about 10% power. My on/off's stay on less then 20 seconds at a time. Hope this helps.

Regards, Patrick
If it could take hours for your enclosure to reach optimum heat, I suggest you upgrade your heat source to a higher wattage. I would also find a way to better insulate your enclosures. If you do that it should help your electric bill as well. They shouldn't take that long to reach your desired temp. I have both pulse and on/off thermostats. My pulse thermostats run at about 10% power. My on/off's stay on less then 20 seconds at a time. Hope this helps.

Regards, Patrick

Should have worded that better - the day temps are fine at getting up in time - maybe a half hour or so -the alarms will only go off a couple of times. It's really more at night when the temp takes much longer to drop.
Both enclosures are 4x2x2 melamines running 100w globes - I can get temps of 40c+ without a thermostat...

And these are dimming thermostats so they never get temps OVER the thresholds(except in the night cycle, as the problem states)
Should have worded that better - the day temps are fine at getting up in time - maybe a half hour or so -the alarms will only go off a couple of times. It's really more at night when the temp takes much longer to drop.
Both enclosures are 4x2x2 melamines running 100w globes - I can get temps of 40c+ without a thermostat...

Ahhh ok. Sorry if Im reading this wrong. It's early here and I'm only on my first cup of coffee. Maybe you can use a computer fan right before the thermostat starts the night dropto release some of the heat. The only other thing I can think of is change your max/min temp settings, but that's not really a option. Sorry I couldn't be of more service to you.
IMO you are better off getting rid of the jet-005 units, they are more hassle than they are worth and the alarm is very annoying and really not programmable properly (they should have made them programmable ennble a ramp up or down in the temperature setpoint over a hour but this is not possible with them , so you'll be harassed by the alarm because the thermal response of the enclosure will over or undershoot the upper or lower alarm levels if the 2 different temp setpoints are too far apart - hence defeating the purpose you bought these jet-005 units to do) .

I'd return them to the seller for a credit on something else you need.
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Think perhaps I've found a way to at least minimize it after a few hours thought.
If I set my day temp to 32c and night temp to 22c, theoretically it should only go off until it gets below 27c after 7pm which shouldn't be too long considering temps(at the probe) are only maxing at about 30-31c right now.
Thankfully the alarm is quiet, just annoying to have to get up and turn off a bunch of times a night...

Bought them off RD's eBay site so I can't be assed returning them and will figure out a way eventually I guess to work around it...
I have a JET-001 on/off and have absolutely no problems with that, guess its just the dual(day/night) settings on the 005 that create this problem....
Have you tried pushing the temp button when the alarm goes off, I do this with mine and the alarm stops but the display continues to flash :)
Have you tried pushing the temp button when the alarm goes off, I do this with mine and the alarm stops but the display continues to flash :)

I push a button and the alarm stops, then 5 - 10 mins later it starts going off again...
Hey Badsville, i had the same prob with my JET-001, i fixed by setting all the alarm thresholds to +/ alarms = no problems lol :) ....................................Ron
Hey mate I've got an echotech TC100 for my click clacks which is basically a Jet-100 branded with another name. The models all function the same basic way in the echotech range it's just the difference of being on/off, day/night and dimming (mine is on/off for click clacks) I've disabled the alarm on mine, to do so you just have to press both the UP and Down arrow at the same time. Not sure if it's the same for the Jet series but worth a go maybe.
I have this thermo and its an absolute piece of crap. I have mine plugged into a wall timer which kills it at night (however no night heat source) but it goes off 6:30am every morning and I have to get up and press the set button to turn it off. I am tempted to throw this thing in the bin its absolute rubbish. I use to make it just dim off at night but even then the heat light would just flicker all night hence getting the wall timer.

@ Macca do you have to be in any particular setting to press the up and down for it to turn the alarm off permanently?
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I have this thermo and its an absolute piece of crap. I have mine plugged into a wall timer which kills it at night (however no night heat source) but it goes off 6:30am every morning and I have to get up and press the set button to turn it off. I am tempted to throw this thing in the bin its absolute rubbish. I use to make it just dim off at night but even then the heat light would just flicker all night hence getting the wall timer.

@ Macca do you have to be in any particular setting to press the up and down for it to turn the alarm off permanently?

While I have no experience with this particular stat, I have been reliably informed of the following:

The alarm is meant to sound when temps are outside of range and that is exactly what a thermostat is for! The idea is to ensure that your heating is set up correctly to ensure that your temps are within range so that the alarm does not sound.
While I have no experience with this particular stat, I have been reliably informed of the following:

The alarm is meant to sound when temps are outside of range and that is exactly what a thermostat is for! The idea is to ensure that your heating is set up correctly to ensure that your temps are within range so that the alarm does not sound.

Heating is set up correctly - it's the damn product!

The issue is when temps switch from night to day and back again - as soon as that happens the alarms automatically sound, which is the problem.
Day temp set at 32, night temp set at 22, with a 5 degree threshold for the alarm. So when the temp is UNDER 27 in the day as its warming up, the alarm will sound. At night when the temp is ABOVE 27 while it's cooling, the alarm will sound.
I use these on 2 enclosures i have. I dont have an issue with them, my day temps switch on at 8, which is perfect as this is when i go check on them i just hit the button once, they turn off at 6am and all i have to do is hit the button once. Can be annoying if your room temps drop too low or get too high as it will go off during the night.

I acutally considered pulling them apart and taking the alarms out but this really defeats the purpose of the alarm. Its meant to notify you when you tank is under/over temp.
If the jets are the ones with the purple screen do yourself a favour and throw them in the bin ,i went through two of those just too many issues to list.
Heating is set up correctly - it's the damn product!

From my post: "The idea is to ensure that your heating is set up correctly to ensure that your temps are within range so that the alarm does not sound." You then go on to admit that your operating temps do not meet this requirement.

The issue is when temps switch from night to day and back again - as soon as that happens the alarms automatically sound, which is the problem.
Day temp set at 32, night temp set at 22, with a 5 degree threshold for the alarm. So when the temp is UNDER 27 in the day as its warming up, the alarm will sound. At night when the temp is ABOVE 27 while it's cooling, the alarm will sound.

So from what I can see the "damn product" is working as it should. Fair enough, it doesn't suit your operating environment but I don't think the product can be dismissed as rubbish when it is performing exactly as it was designed to.
Turn the alarm off. Hold the up and down arrows at the same time and when it flashes change the setting to no. Simple. :)
Visualising the problem

If your night and day temp settings are too far apart and the alarm range setting for both night and day too tight, the alarm will sound, it will also sound when the temperatures in the enclosure overshoot or under the alarm settings as the temperatures oscillate while the thermostat turns the heat source on / off.

You could try setting the alarm ranges for day and night as wide as possible (+ - temp) and them set the day temp aim inside the high end of the alarm range and the night temp aim similarly, and a bit of experimenting to compensate for overshoot and undershoot which will active the alarm if the alarm levels are breached so the overshoot and undershoot for your enclosure stays inside the upper and lower alarm ranges (may not be possible with you heat source and enclosure).
aussie_lad on the ecotech there is an L1 and L2 displayed just in front of the time L1 = Alarm On, L2 = Alarm Off. When you press and hold the up and down arrows at the same time for around 3 - 5 seconds and release the L# starts flashing, you then use the up and down arrows to change to whichever setting you require and either press set or just leave for it to record the setting. Not sure if Jet-005 is the same but I hope it helps.
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