MD carpet breathing heavily

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Active Member
May 22, 2008
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Darwin, NT
I just went to view a 2m female Murray darling that is for sale locally and was a bit concerned as it seemed to be breathing heavily. I've never seen a snake breathe like that before. It was audible breathing and when she slithered past my neck I could feel the air on my skin. The owner assured me this is normal but I suspect it could be a respiratory issue. It didn't seem like she was struggling and it her breathing was consistent. Any advice?
Was it a kind of hiss or a huffing? My MD does a bit of this when he's slightly annoyed/excited, like if I'm redirecting him from somewhere he wants to go outside.

Did she show any other signs of respiratory infection?
It was more of a huff than a hiss. My childreni makes a similar noise when I pick him up sometimes. Maybe she was just excited coz I was a stranger. Based on a google search of symptoms, she didn't seem to have other signs of RTI. She didn't open her mouth, she was a good weight and quite strong.
Some snakes can do that when they're a little stressed, but it could also be signs of an RI, I wouldn't let it put you off buying it, just get a vet check straight away if you do to ease your mind. RI's when caught early are a pretty easy fix...
He'll probably grow into a nice adult though, I've heard most young ones are a bit snappy, but thats good for feeding yeah... got to look on the bright side. As long as your not needing a blood transfusion, it's all good. LOL
Yeah that's why I was looking at gettin this 2m MD. I've only ever had my childreni and I'm a wimp so I figured getting a more mature carpet would be a better idea. And this one was placid as. Thanks for the advice guys, I'm hoping to pick her up today and will get her vet checked.
Both my MDs huff/hiss/breath heavily when I handle them like a big wheeze but not constant! Only when there being handled tho! Both have annual vet checks and are completely fine!

was it a constant noise or did it just let out a few?
It was pretty much constant, but now that I've spent more time with her I've noticed she doesn't do it in her enclosure, only while being handled. And she tends to breathe less heavily when she's just resting while handled. So it's probably all normal but I will get her checked anyway. Here's a crappy phone pic of Millie (short for Millicent, a Harry Potter character):
View attachment 278479 View attachment 278480
Hmmm, they worked when I clicked on the links :/ I'll try again. And yep she's sitting in my loungeroom now, gonna try and get her some food tomorrow. Pet shops have been running out of stock here coz everyone's got hungry snakes, lol. Another thing: I'm a big fan of defrosted prey as opposed to live, but I've been told a frozen rabbit can be $20-30 whereas a live chicken can be picked up from the local markets for $4. Also as I mentioned, the pet shop might not even have any frozen prey available :S What do feed your MD?


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wow its a decent size! how old is it?
with the wheezing if it does turn out bad when u get it checked get in contact with the previous owner!
i feed all mine defrosted rats/quail!

you could fed live chicken but there is the chance the chook can fight back and alot of people frown on live feeding!
She is huge! For some reason I thought you were getting a 2 month old. LOL

I feed my 5.3" MD medium rats, but I feed him every 10 days as he does better with regular feeding. I've only ever fed frozen rats, (well, defrosted) as live feeding is unnecessary and can be dangerous, not to mention it isn't fun for the prey either.

She looks like a x large rat would be fine. No need to feed rabbits or chickens, maybe find out where other people up in the NT buy their food from?
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I have a swcp that "sniffs" loudly and takes deap breaths when i take him out his cage. And if i take him outside he REALLY sniffs the air in. He makes a little whistle sound sometimes too :)
I too can feel the breaths of air on my face when he sniffs my skin.
I'd like to think this is normal and healthy behaviour :)
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