Need baby rats for non-eating spotted - Toowoomba area

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Not so new Member
Jan 24, 2003
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I really need some live baby rats for my spotted which has not eaten for a few months. I know they can go ages without eating but his last meal wasn't much and he hadn't eaten much before that either. Have tried defrosted rats, mice, baby live mice, baby live mice scented with rat, rat scented with skink.

Need a live baby rat as that is the only thing I could get him to eat before and stupid rats have stopped breeding. One female that I bought a while ago hasn't given me one baby and now she has a tumor. The other 2 females just aren't doing anything.

I am in the Toowoomba area and the rats I need are the pinky fuzzy stage before they open their eyes and develop any real teeth (really don't want to risk my spotted getting bitten by a rat even if it is a baby). If anybody could help I would really, really appreciate it as I am quite worried about my python.

On a side note what the hell is is with rats and tumors? Almost all the rats I have had has developed them. With the first 2 rats I had (pets) 1 developed a few tumors didn't die, put her down when the other one died, from them and the other died from bleeding to death from its vagina. The second lot of pet rats I had, which were great pets, 1 got tumors while the other one bled a little bit from its eyes all the time and then I think she also got a tumor, both of these were eventually put down. Then with the first male rat that I got for my breeding setup, who also happened to be a really great pet (when he was in the house for a short while) and he was genuinly friendly and liked lots of attention, he developed a lump on his side but was ok with that but he much later on got a tumor under his chin which I only noticed about 2 days before he died. I honestly don't think I could be the reason for all the tumors and in a book on pet rats it says tumors are common but they just seem far too common for me.

Sorry bout long post, ment to make it short but just kept on going and once again if someone could help me with a baby rat I would really, really appreciate it.

Probably not a tumour(I spose you are talking about the big lumps). Most rodents get them from bites. More like a big cyst full of pus and blood. We usually dong them anyway. Not gonna sell them on to rep people. Sorry can't help you with baby rat. We don't do live except for local pets. Cheers Cheryl
Morpheus, How many you after? I will be near Laidley which is just past Gatton on Saturday and if you would like I can bring you some? What colour are your females? if you don't want them I may be able to do a trade or something?
I'll be heading through there on the 3rd if you still need any at that point.
Can do you some new breeders too.
not sure what food your giving the rats but ive heard that with the wrong diet they can form tumors. we use rat and mice cubes and havent seen one tumor yet.
Am 99% certain they are tumors and not cysts as there was never any external marks, usually occur after about they were a year old and all they did was increase in size. With cysts they rupture, had this happen with one rat, quite disgusting but treated her and she recovered incredibly quickly.

I also use rat and mice cubes, but with the pet ones I had I used rat and guinea pig food from the supermarket which is seeds and other stuff, plus they used to get fresh food aswell.
well mate I am still wondering if you need anything, I was willing to help but it would have been nice to have a reply either way you know.
i give my mice and rats cr2 rat and mouse pellets. i've only had one mouse come down with tumors but she was about 2 to 3 years old. i also give them fresh fruit and vegies every so often. i have my mice in contaniers and my rats in bird cages. my 2 female rats are pregnant and due to have there litter soon. and i keep them real clean. i clean them out every 2nd to 3rd day. and i worm them every 3 months. my mice are kept outside and my rats are kept inside. the mouse and rat pellets i give them has 28% protein 8% fat and they get there vitamins and calcium from the fruit and vegies i give them. they also love cooked pasta mash potatoe and pumkin,cooked chicken,peanut butter on bread. they also love potatoe chips every so often. i spoil my rats and mice as you can see.
Bloody hell if I did that for mine I would go Broke. I have about 50 females popping them out at the moment. Mine are on a mix of Kibble and pellets with fresh vegies thrown in eveu now and then.
**** spotted i dont think i got that much care of my own parents when i was growing up. lol
i only have 5 rats all up 2 russian blue hooded's 2 champagnes 1 black one i also have names for them to my 3 males names are acrobat,cheeky,and champy my 2 females are called dollie,and lollie. i like to make sure they are all heathy and in good condition before i breed them. i love spoilling them as well. i just hope these females look after there litter not like the last female rat i had.
and they get there vitamins and calcium from the fruit and vegies i give them
Actually, you'll find the pellets conatin the required vitamins and 1% calcium, far more than fresh fruit or veg.
Spotted why waste time feeding 3 males when you could have 2 extra females for breeding instead ?
Just let the one stud service them all ?
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