New Owner... setup question.

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Not so new Member
Nov 15, 2017
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Hi all
Finally after 10 years I’m allowed to get my first pet python. Getting a 8 month Stimson python. Picking it up today. It’s still in a tub atm.
Question is I got a reptile one 90x45x45
Got a 5 w heat mat to put under it in the glass cut out for it. Have kept it off the glass as it says. Has been running all night and the thermostat says 26c. Thermostat is at back down low on hot side.
Have I set it up wrong or should I get a different heating source?

Will get photos once I pick it up :)
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Hi mate, how old/big is the python you're getting? If it's only small like my stimmie, you'd be best keeping it in a click-clack setup until it's bigger. 20171101_164237.jpg

20171118_073855.jpg 20171118_073826.jpg
As you can see by her dull hazy appearance, she's not far off shedding again.

The tubs sit half on half off a simple heat tile, tile over a heat cord. Gives me a temp of 35 degrees at the warm end and 23 at the cool end in the day and 30 at the hot end and 18 at the cool end at night.

It's not a fancy setup by any means, very simple, basic but contains everything young pythons need.
Yeah wouldn’t be far off that size. Plan was to keep it in the click-clack setup but inside the enclosure and letting it wonder when I get it out for a bit. But just can’t get temp up inside.
Welcome to the forum.
A 5W heat mat won't give the temp you want. Either get a higher wattage heat mat, or a globe or ceramic heat emitter.
And we love photos of new snakes. ;)
If you decide to get a globe or ceramic heat emitter, I'd suggest 100W. And if you decide to go for a globe, go to Bunnings and buy a Philips brand spot globe rather than waste your money on a "reptile" heat globe. Does the same job.
And make sure you use the thermostat.
Ok seems I did a typo, must of been half asleep its a 13w heat mat not a 5w lol. Couldnt go any bigger for the space at bottom, Guess will look at the spot light Aswell.
The brand of heat mat can play a part as well. Is it a reputable brand like Exo-Terra? If not I would recommemd getting one from a reputable brand. They work a lot better and carry a lot less risk of failure.
I'm sure everyone knows my feelings about heat mats so I might sit on the sidelines on this one :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
It’s a microclimate heat mat. Can’t remember thermostat not at home atm. Gonna go work out what I need for a spot light
I'm sure everyone knows my feelings about heat mats so I might sit on the sidelines on this one :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Not quite sure what you have against heat mats Paul ? ,I have used a few over the the years for hatchling pythons and beardies with no problems.All mine are Reptile 1 if that makes any difference,maybe you have some problem with other brands?
Not quite sure what you have against heat mats Paul ? ,I have used a few over the the years for hatchling pythons and beardies with no problems.All mine are Reptile 1 if that makes any difference,maybe you have some problem with other brands?

Let me ask if you feel the Reptile 1 fan heater is a good piece of kit?
I put them in the same basket......and heat rocks too for that matter. A badge doesn't really mean anything.
Let me ask if you feel the Reptile 1 fan heater is a good piece of kit?
I put them in the same basket......and heat rocks too for that matter. A badge doesn't really mean anything.
Definitely a +1 here for heat rocks... I wouldn't use them if I had a free endless supply of them.
Let me ask if you feel the Reptile 1 fan heater is a good piece of kit?
I put them in the same basket......and heat rocks too for that matter. A badge doesn't really mean anything.
I wouldn't touch the fan heater with a barge pole and my first enclosure had a heat rock till I found out what happens,it went into the bin pretty quick!
I'm just not sure why you don't like heat mats as most snake keepers say they don't use lights so what do you use?
Our snakes all have lights BTW.
I use a combination of lights, cords and I'm moving into the 21st century now with a few radiators. (Which are essentially cords anyway)
Took me a decade to get around to trusting cords enough to give them a try.

Seen plenty of problems from mats, (Up to and including house fires). From my experience most keepers who have been around a long time don't use them. I'm just the extreme old guy who will never go down that track.
I use a combination of lights, cords and I'm moving into the 21st century now with a few radiators. (Which are essentially cords anyway)
Took me a decade to get around to trusting cords enough to give them a try.

Seen plenty of problems from mats, (Up to and including house fires). From my experience most keepers who have been around a long time don't use them. I'm just the extreme old guy who will never go down that track.
If you buy a reputable brand and use them CORRECTLY ie. under glass with airflow as recommend then there shouldn't be an issue.
They are just a heat cord in a flat form after all.
I guess in Paul's defence, the same can be said with aquarium heaters... Obviously in the keeping of turtles, I use a fair few aquarium heaters and this is something I will not skimp on or use a dodgy brand... These things fail and your prized animals wind up burned, cooked to a crisp, electrocuted, or your house burned to the ground... I never really thought about why Paul hated heat mats so much until just now when thinking about how I am when purchasing aquarium heaters... Now it makes total sense.
If you buy a reputable brand and use them CORRECTLY ie. under glass with airflow as recommend then there shouldn't be an issue.
They are just a heat cord in a flat form after all.

I hear what you are saying but how many new keepers can recognise the difference between a good brand and a bad one? We just established some reptile 1 products are crap.
"Shouldn't be an issue", I agree but they often are. Large flimsy things that are easily damaged when they are folded. Often just placed inside an enclosure or without airflow leading to burns/scorching or even fires. New people to the hobby make mistakes and these things are far from idiot proof. (Not a great term and I'm not saying all newbies are idiots). They still need some more development before I will even consider the things.
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