New siamese fighters/Betta splendens

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I just thought I'd share three new boys I brought home today, for anyone who may be interested :)





This is what his 'true' colour looks like- his finnage is bright red, with silver streaks

Aqua/red doubletail boy-he is more of an aqua colour + red, not green!




Royal blue doubletail







And some of my girls didn't want to be left out :) First pic is of one of my purple 'babies' :)

Some lovely colours there. Are you going to breed them? They are very interesting to breed but be prepared for lots of little fellows.
I've spawned one pair, once before- the male decided to eat the bubs before I realised (before they were free swimming) so only got left 19 fry alive. All 19 survived to adulthood, though the weird thing is that all 19 were female! The three girls in the last two pics are some of the offspring from that spawn

I may/may not ever breed these guys, I dunno :) The green/red doubletail would make an interesting cross with one of my green/red girls from my spawn, and one of my silver/red girls with the plakat boy. If anything, I'd go with the green/red spawn
That's a shame regarding your first spawn. Yes the green/red would make for some lovely fry. Have fun with them. I am thinking about getting a male for my sons birthday in August his favourite colour is green but don't see many in that colour around me.
OMG jealous. Gorgeous Bettas you have there! :)

I've been trying to find one like your aqua boy for years now :(
cwtiger- even though I didn't get many fry, and they were all females- it worked out quite well. They were far easier to manage than a full 100+ spawn would have been, particularly because I was stupid enough to spawn them 8wks before my end of semester/major exams- really dumb idea!

Regarding the green bettas, I've never seen any down in Bris either (I'm originally from there- up here for uni) but they turn up here every now and then. You might be able to find an aqua/greenish veil or crowntail- they seem to be more common

Lonewolf- thanks :) I didn't buy the plakat for his looks (Not very keen on them) but simply because of his personality- I know it sounds weird, but the reason I love Bettas is because of their personality! Pity you're not up here, theres 4 more guys very similar to this aqua boy at the store! I asked them where they get the 'higher' quality bettas from (the doubletails, halfmoons, deltas etc) and apparently they're from a guy in Bris that directly imports them... perhaps you could ask a local pet/fish store to order some in for you?

Also.. if anyone is interested- the plakat was $8.50, and the doubletail boys were $12.50 ea :)
iv been right into fish off and on for years iv bred siamese fighters before it is interesting, cant wait to get to brisbane there is a fish importer who will get hold of "wild betta" spp there are some fantastic species availible and some are mouthbrooders! some other species are huge cant wait to have a crack at them
Nice bettas you have there! Used to keep quite a few myself and have a few pics up in my album on here. Used to keep one very similar to your aqua boy, there are some pics of him also in my album. Really beautiful fish :D
iv been right into fish off and on for years iv bred siamese fighters before it is interesting, cant wait to get to brisbane there is a fish importer who will get hold of "wild betta" spp there are some fantastic species availible and some are mouthbrooders! some other species are huge cant wait to have a crack at them

Some of the wild species are fantastic! The mouthbrooders would be fun to breed, I rekon :D They had a HEAP of Betta albimarginata's up here at the end of last year, but they're one of my less-favourite wilds, and I can't get any more tanks at the moment (I like to give my Bettas more space than most people seem to, so my room is kinda full :))

Thanks Thals- They're an awesome species :)
Very very nice:)
I kept a nice red/blue one in my tank when I was 15. Always had a soft spot for them but never really saw decent ones when I was running aquariums couple years ago. Do you buy from pet stores/aquarium shops and what size tanks do you keep them in. Never got into the lil cup size things they come in nowdays, bit like my snakes. However I guess it is economical and space saving, bit like snakes and racks.
I have 4 girls (will add perhaps 4 more?) in a 70L tank, the boys currently have 12L each (will be dividing another 70L tank to give them a bit more room) and some of the offspring from the spawn are still in 5.1L tubs until they find new homes :) I know it doesn't sound like much, but I do try to provide them with a lot of space based on my uni budget. My fish are also heated during the cooler months- fortunately its warm in Townsville for most of the year, so I save a bit of power!

All of the fish I've bought have come from pet/fish stores. Most have come from a local specialty aquarium store- they get a lot of gorgeous halfmoons, giants, deltas, doubletails etc in on a fairly regular basis. They also get other awesome things like freshwater stingrays, amongst others :D The types of bettas I've bought from local stores include a black devil crowntail (bought in brisbane), mustard gas crowntail, black orchid super delta, halfmoon female, red/black butterfly doubletail female, yellow/chocolate crowntail, a very 'clean' yellow cambodian vieltail female.... and now plakat and male doubletails. I don't know if I just get lucky in finding different types of bettas? I know I'm certainly in luck with this local fish store- though it means I spend a bit of cash haha

I should add- I know it doesn't make a difference at all, but I absolutely refuse to buy anything from stores that keep their animals in poor conditions- whether hermit crabs, fish, puppies, kittens, or reptiles- if they mistreat the animals/don't keep them clean etc I'm not going to support them! So there's only two stores up here I buy fish from, purely because of this reason
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Did they come from the store with the freshwater rays? I'll be taking some of my bristlenose offspring in there tomorrow and would definitely pickup a plakat or two if so. I prefer the shorter fin varieties so if he has more like yours I'll be very happy.
oh they are beautiful,
i bred siamese fighting fish, very hard work.........never gain haha
they are awesome colours though
Tsubakai, Yes it was that store- They get some fantastic and very unique fish in there. Regarding the plakats- I think they had maybe two more? A red/blue and I think the other one was similar to the guy I bought. They aren't currently on display though, so just ask- say that you were told they had some plakats bagged down below, if they don't have them on display when you go. Also... pet HQ has a giant shortfinned male as well- he's rather...huge... he'd definitely eat my Bettas!

Thanks Becky :) They can be hard work to breed, and moreso to raise the fry- but its certainly interesting, and a new experience. I'm not sure whether I'll try it again! perhaps when I finish uni. Who knows!
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All this talk of Bettas rays and pleco's etc I will have to start a tank again.:D
I had a nice Gibbicep pleco a few years ago and a few bristle noses, freshwater rays sound like cool fish.

60 - 70 litres is a fair size. Even thirty is still a tank IMO.
That said I have never run smaller than 60ltr just because it is easier to keep bigger tanks as well as maintain large communities.

Again great fish:D
Yeah, larger tanks are so much easier to maintain, once you've got them going! I can't expand until after I've finished uni, because I tend to be all over the place- particularly next year when I'm on rotations all around Qld! day.... lol

When you start your tank up, you have to show piccies :D
Just curious, did you end up getting those plakats Tsubakai? If so, any pictures?
Lonewolf - you won't find better Bettas in Brisbane than those at Fishchicks at Annerley (but you pay $50 + per fish for that sort of quality). Have a look at her for sale stock on youtube (just search Fishchick).
I just did that and emailed her thanks :) I don't mind the prices. A quality betta is worth it.
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