New Turtle/New Turtle owner

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New Member
Nov 5, 2008
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Hi Guys, Ive just been given a River Turtle, had it bout 5 days now. Unsure on how to set his tank up, Ive got a heater/filter and light. He has rocks (i think might be to small) that have been pushed up to make a bank that he sometimes sits there, a area deep enough to cover him for swimming and a piece of driftwood he likes to sit on. Just wondering on ideas of making it a better home for him. He hasnt come from the best home, very scared of people and only just getting used to my hand in his tank. He is very loved by my 3 yr old son, so he's already in a better loving home where he'll get better treated. I also having trouble with him trying to escape his tank. He trys to climb up the glass, not sure if he is looking for a better spot out side of the water, cause he sits on his wood alot. And do they bite? They prolly do, but is it a hard bite? Cause im kinda scared to put my hand near his head incase he bites me. I pat his shell and the back of his neck.

Do they also like being taking out of their tank? Like for a run around i guess? Sory for the many questions, just want to get the low down on them so i can give him a good life of love. :D

Thanks for any help :lol:
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