Pics of our Golden Tree Snake

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Hiya Nic

yeah mate I just went back and checked what my wife had emailed- looks like she did mention she was 2 yrs old- although the bloke I bought her from had her in his collection for two years; he was guessing she would be around 4 years old. She was captured from the wild on license but is very easy to handle; doesn;t display any stress-like symptons and has settled well and is eating like a boss.

She is very very close to 6 ft from snout to tip of tail- possibly slightly shorter but only by an inch or two - we have a nicely complicated vines/branches setup in her enclosure which she loves wrapping up in so we havent been able to use the enclosure too well as a guide or had a real need to measure her with any precision.

The largest diameter on her is thicker than my thumb without a a guess without disturbing her I would say she is possibly an inch thick at her thickest part around half way down her body.

No doubt she is a monster as far as GTS go; a beautiful thing. With any luck I will find her a suitable male. She is DEFINITELY a girl because the breeder who sold her to me found 6 or 7 eggs in her enclosure a week or so before she was freighted to me. Lucky devil.
I have a (much smaller) male that looks quite similar to your big girl, with the white of the belly coming halfway up the sides and no black edging throughout the gold. I call it the 'banana-split' phase - you know the herp world loves a nickname! It's a shame that we're not in the same state, otherwise some we could have come to a breeding arrangement next year.

She definitely sounds like a big'un. I find that with CTS, diameter is a more useful gauge than length. But if you do want to get an accurate length measurement for her, or any other snakes ... have you tried using the HerpMeasure program (can be downloaded here - Swaddo's Snake Measure)? It's basically the computer equivalent of using a piece of string.

You put a ruler on the table and then an upside-down container on top of it with the snake curled up inside. After several minutes when the snake has settled, you remove the container and then you take a photo from DIRECTLY ABOVE. Set the scale using the in-shot ruler and then simply trace out the snake from head to tail.
Wow thanks Nic- that thing is going to come in real handy- not just for the GTS but moreso for our hyper-agro Albino male who we have named Bieber because Satan wasn't an evil enough moniker- he literally stalks us from his enclosure and is hot to trot 24/7 .... little homeboy has a shot at the title every chance he gets !

Yeah shame you arent up this way or vice versa mate I would love to see what beauties this girl could throw.
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