sick snake in pet shop

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Already see it here, just not with reptiles yet. Go to any "local" markets and you'll see dodgy blokes selling animals they've just caught in the wild.

I went to Minto markets once, out west, and saw these poor cockatoos in cages. Two to a cage, that isn't even big enough for one cocky, let alone two.

thats very true i always feel sorry for puppies at livo westfields about 8 pupies to a metre square box and u can c there waste on there fur
if they are so bad why does every one stuff around by not saying there name.
every one needs to know who your talking about so they dont deal with them.

You should never publically name anybody for anything. You could face charges for defamation of character.
The Australian Bird Co is also known as Australian Pet Superstore . You cant miss it , big yellow place with electric fences around the roof . They have had a lot of burgs . Mostly employ young teenage girls . Prices are some of the highest in Melb . Went in last weekend and noticed that most of their lizards had bits of their tails missing .
What if your claims are true? Or whack "alleged" in front of it.

You just gotta be careful how you word things and make sure you have evidence. I am not sticking up for negligence but they can so easy turn it round and make you look like the bad guy. Just be careful, thats all. Make a complaint to the RSPCA & make them deal with it.
this will go further and i will not name them as i could be sewed and that is not being chicken it is being smart.
also i have been told by the owner that my complaints will go nowhere that i am waisting my time, because the owner sits on one of the boards linked to the dse.

"his will go further and i will not name them as i could be sewed and that is not being chicken it is being smart."

Smart move. Good luck to you.
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...the owner sits on one of the boards linked to the dse.

Hmmm, definitely sounds like good material for ACA or TT - get in contact with both of them (they have contact details on their websites). If you get both programs competing for the one story it is much better - more coverage and both networks will give more on-air time to the story.

Also, both programs love to have a go at government departments not doing their job properly.

If you have proof of the owner being "connected" with the DSE, then they will listen to you.

Good luck!!!
thanks can we do a poll on who has visited the shop and who agrees they should not be able to keep animals.

i dont know how to do that so if someone could that would be great.

what i am trying to do is get as much information and support as i can so i can present that to the dse,

every post the has benn done so far has been printed and put in a booklet which will be presented to the dse.

Well i went to bunarong aquarium the other day like i said i would.
As far as petshops type establishments go in melbourne area it is certainly up there with the best, (i would like like to see all petshops without animals for sale) but the conditions they keep their animals here are more than adequate, the staaff, although young, seem to be passionate about the care of reptiles and it shows in the condition of animals and enclosures.
go bunerong yay
I just visited this petshop for the first time today and left feeling very sad, especially for the dogs. Large dogs in tiny enclosures, one very young puppy looking scared and helpless in an enclosure with a bunch of rowdy older dogs...etc...

What happened with that poll? It's not there anymore, I can't remember what it said. Has anything further happened with these guys?
Hey guys, there is a shop EXACTLY like this in WA (near forrestfield)...They have birds also, and the animals are VERY VERY bad condition...I reported them, as have many others and still nothing...

I am going to tell TT and ACA about this even though I have never been to the store and I am not even from the same state, but I figure if they get enough people alerting them about it MAYBE something might be done??!! Because this is very distressing just to even read about!!
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