smooth knob tail gecko egg help!!!

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dickynee i just recently bought them and the owner sold me the eggs too. 1 is running around so i will take him out. i have small crickets i was just checking. filled in the liscence book and i have decided to sell them in about 4 weeks when they are eating well by themselves. i have a fairly big tub and it has some play sand at 2cm on the hot end and 15cm on the cool end, it has 1 hide on the cool end and the hot end is about 30 degrees.

Should be fine in that ... good luck.
just incase u missed it in Rednuts comment, they wont eat straight away, they will be absorbing yolk for 5ish days,...

crickets before then wont be eaten, they will just stress tehm.

for the first few feeds (after 5 days) i offer food fro an hour, then remove it, so if theyre not ready they dont have crickets jumping all over tehm all day.

till them i mist them daily, make sure they dont dehydrate. tehy seem to appreciate a good misting,... :p
I have hatched numerous species of geckos at warm room temp just sitting on a shelf. Small reptile eggs don't need an incubator, the eggs take a bit longer but the babies always seem much larger and healthier.
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