Spray will make cane toads croak

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Spray will make cane toads croak

February 22, 2011
A SMALL Canberra bio-tech company has developed a household aerosol that will kill cane toads in less than a minute.

''It's completely humane, there's no twitching, writhing, foaming at the mouth, turning blue or anything at all traumatic,'' the spray's inventor David Dall said.

i would assume that this like most aerosols would kill a frog or a toad indiscriminiteley as they both have the ability to absorb through there skin. im hoping the ingredients are inert after a certian time period but wouldnt be suprised if this would build up and could potentially spread to waterways if enough was used.
I doubt that it is intended to be used on toads in water.... they breed in water but it is not where they spend most of their time.
I meant that if the spray was used near water does it get into the waterways being an aerosol and all.
What happens when they become immune. If they become immune, there was an article a few years back that showed how the cane toads here had ever so slightly evolved in comparison to the cane toads in their natural habitat.

The data sheet for the spray's active ingredient - Chloroxylene

Section 12 talks about the ecological impact - simply states do not enter into waterways.

It also doesn't seem to become inert and seems to be reactive to bases. It is a stable chemical with no decomposition temperature.
i cant see many people using it, a can is going to be $20 but you can get a bat or club for about the same price and its reusable ( not that i condone that)

If they bring in the cane toad weighing station an only accept toads killed with humane methods people will use it.
Probably just diluted dettol.

Someone cashing in on the whole canetoad thing.
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