Stressed Eastern Blue tongue..

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New Member
Dec 30, 2012
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Afternoon all,

So I got my two new blue tongues last thursday. One seems to have settled in really well (really docile one, easy to handle eats well, etc) the other seems has only just started eating today, wouldn't even accept being hand few and have tried multiple types of food.

When I get him out he doesn't seem overly stressed however when you stroke him he arches his back under your finger (first time he did it had me worried as it looks like a vit D definciency). Anyway to the point, he runs around his enclosure constantly digger. He reaches the bottom and keeps digging even thogh he can't go any further. If you put your hand in and he sees it he bee lines it straight to your hand to get out. When out he walks around and looks around. Seems quite chilled.

The enclosure is 6x2 1/2x 2 1/2 foot. Substrate is suger cane mulch. Plenty of light and UV is provided via MVB. Temps are usually between 26 (cool) and 34 (warm). How long does it usually take for them to settle? Is there anything further I can do to help him settle?

Sorry if this doesn't make sense or I missed something, was a bit rushed and will provide further info if needed.

Thanks in advance.

(PS I don't have a blue tongue book however am investing in one next pay)
I think he is just having a little dose of relocation stress, should settle in soon, sounds like he may be already. Temps sound pretty good but I am no bluey expert although have reabilitated a few over the years.
Argh..this may have nothing to do with his behaviour, but please god ditch that sugar cane mulch ASAP. Replace it with anything. It's full of dust and farm chemicals, really unsuitable for keeping any animals in.
Really Python? I spoke to Jinjajoe prior to getting it as he uses it. Hmm. I will look at replacing it. Appreciate the input.
how old , i find some blueys take a whiel some are out and about straight away, i give them some raw egg yolk on a plate stirred up and put there nose up to it so they taste it, even a fussy little bugger will start to lap at it, then wait offer food but dont expect it to come out while your watching because they dont. I would offer a basking spot of atleast 35-40 as there optimal body temp is 33 and you will find they will bask go away and then bask again. But im sure joe gave you similar instructions but give it time .
I only asked Joe about substrates =).

He is 6 weeks old. I will try raw egg if he/she doesn't want to eat again.

Yeah am happy to give him the time he/she needs to adjust. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything else. Thanks.
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