Sunrise...why not kill the croc???

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I was watching a bit of sunrise this morning and the bald guy with glasses got onto the subject of why not kill the croc's tht do damage.. and i just thought wot a so 'n' so (cant use naughty words:D) and i was just wondering how many other people this would hav annoyed. he actually compared them to dogs saying if a dog attacks som1 it gets put down, y not the croc? personally i reckon the chances of getting attacked by a dog is far higher than getting attacked by a croc.. and even then there are signs to warn ppl not to swim in the water.. its jst the crazy ppl tht do.
besides killing the croc isnt gonna do much...thts jst nature for ya
tell me wot u think

He proably annoyed a few people but that sad thing is a lot more probably agreed

But how stupid comparing to a dog, a dog is a domestic animal that can be trained and are vicious cause there brought up to be a croc cant be trained
<rant> Koshy is a fool, I dislike him greatly and want pain to come to him, apparently off screen he is a tool as well, I have a friend doing work experience there and he thinks he is top dog. And cash cow? what is that! It is a news program! </rant>

With that said, what a stupid thing for him to say, ignorant fool. (join the I hate david kosh facebook group)
I gave up on that fool the day he told Australia he let goldfish go in the creek, apparently it was too much of a hassle to transport them to his new house
Anyone who advocates the destruction of the top predator in an eco-system conclusively demonstrates that they are too stupid to have an opinion on the topic.
This guys views on many issues though are warped.

I remember when the olympics were on he was saying some stupid things.
how about we punish the DHeads who go into croc territory, instead of the poor animals doing what they are designed to do.
im a surfer/ex diver n get the ****s when they want to kill a shark from a shark attack.
geeeeze, humans are the nastiest creatures on earth, look at what we as a species get upto, we dont kill murderers yet an animal does what its designed to do and it gets a death sentence for it.
if ya dont want the risk, stay outa the water....were land animals for godsake.

yes it gets me a lil mad....
what always makes me wonder is why some folk i know with the same surname pronounce it "kock" (replace k with c if you like)...
and the famous scientist with that same surname is refered to as "kock"...
and yet he is pronounces it kosh, when he is so obviously a ...
The guy is an idiot, I can't stand to even hear him speak.
The stupidity of it all is what is the likelihood they will even get the right croc? I'm sure there would be more than one in the area of attacks and its not like it's going to come up and confess.
His offsider (Mel) makes a complete fool of herself whenever snakes are mentioned... high profile TV people can change the thoughts/feelings of the masses. ie, the people that cannot think for themselves.
It is a dangerous tool.
too true ...and because they want to be politically correct as well this only increases the danger of the likes of MEL and KOSHIE .....they should stick with what they know money and shopping ........
Killing a croc for eating someone suggests that it is doing something wrong, but crocs are supposed to eat animals, for big ones this includes foolish humans. Killing such crocs always used to be normal procedure, things are getting better not worse. I dont really care if as part of an intellegent management plan a few crocs are killed, if its the most practical solution. These crocs are not only an important part of the ecosystem but an important part of research which will allow crocs and humans to live together much better. I think the EPA's handling of these issues lately is excellent, hopefully a few stupid politicians and TV show hosts wont be taken into account.
Maybe we should start putting down humans who kill crocs, sounds a lot more reasonable to me... How irresponsible him in his position, broadcasting such ignorance to the whole of Australia!! Grrrrrrrr.....
Can we all chuck in to APS or some company to create animal awareness ads? People hate what they fear, and they fear what they dont understand.

So.... We need to all chuck in to educate.
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