The 5 Most Horrifying Bugs in the World

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Wow - that was pretty interesting! Did anyone else watch the bot fly vid? Itz amazing how many insects there are that like to burrow in and out of human flesh.
that was a very interesting read loved it that bot fly is grose lol love that ant the squels lol
my mum saw the bot fly vid over my shoulder, she nearly chucked up.... lol
:shock::shock: EEEWWWWW!!!!!!! I'll have nightmares forever. :x Thanks IsK67.:p Did you have to share that??? I didn't want to click on the link but some kind of morbid fascination took hold of me & I had no control................:evil::evil::shock::shock:
Those vidoes are CCCCRRRAAAZZZYYYYY!!!! That's my interesting read for the day. Mental NOTE: never venture to those places. Another mental NOTE: I don't want to re-incarnated as a bee.

Thanks for posting...

yup screw worms are pretty gross.
We had to watch worse movies than that of bot removal and other nasty parasites in Parasitology at uni :shock: more close up and detailed ewww totally grossed me out. One of them was a doco called "body snatchers" by the BBC.

cool link Isk :)
Body Snatchers was great wasn't it? What about the guy who cultivated a tapeworm for about 6 weeks? He let it grow in his intestines, then took some worming tablet and sh@t it out. It was about 6 feet long - I nearly vomited watching it!

Matt, I saw something intersting about how the bees protect themselves from these wasps. Bees can cope with a slightly higher body temp, so the bees can surround the hive, staying really close together and beating their wings really fast to raise the temp of the hive by a few degrees which actually kills the wasps!
As long as I stay far from those guys they ain't scary!;)
Some pretty cool bugs there well unless you are attacked by them...
Thats just yucky! I have a hard enought time dealing with the crickets for the dragon.
at least we don't get those in Australia. I'll take half of all the venomous, dangerous, horrendous bites and stings we get here over these horrors any day, especially that video of the fly in that guy's skin, urgh.
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