Tourist Bitten on Penis by Deadly Brown Snake

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May 6, 2008
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Published: 30-May-08 11:07 PM
Source: Reptile Related News

Story from the
A roadside toilet stop ended in pain, embarrassment and almost death for a tourist when a highly venomous snake bit the end of his penis. The deadly brown snake slithered between his legs and lunged at his manhood as he crouched on a roadside near Laura, 300km northwest of Cairns, about a month ago.

Details of the incident only came to light yesterday after they were confirmed by a paramedic. "It certainly had a swipe at him," an ambulance spokesman said yesterday. "But it didn’t envenomate him. As it came through it must have got a bit of a shock. ." The snake beat a hasty retreat, leaving its victim with a scratch, vomiting and abdomen pain. Emergency workers raced to the scene to treat the man.

The wound was wrapped in plastic in case poison had penetrated the skin but medical staff gave the man the all-clear after conducting tests. He was taken to Cooktown Hospital where he spent a night recovering. The ambulance spokesman described him as "lucky", given his near encounter with one of Australia’s most poisonous snakes. "I think he was a bit shocked and embarrassed," he said.

And that's what happens when you squat on the side of the road with your pants down in Australia. Beware the deadly animals! Lol. He is a lucky guy.
Did they use any of the old snake bite treatments on him?
He wasn't envenomated, can someone explain why he had vomiting and abdomen pain?

Ever been kicked nice and hard in the balls....does tend to cause a bit of abdominal pain sometimes, :shock: and I suppose if you were bitten there by a snake you might feel like vomitting too....
that would suck he got the full aussie treatment now he cam seen and got bit on the penis by a brown he must be happy with his trip :)
didnt anyone tell him its mating season maybe the brown got a bit confused with his trouser snake ..................I think its hillarious what a story to have with you "while i was in aussie i got bit by a deadly snake on my wanger................lmao" am glad he is ok though hope the snake got away ...
sure, sure thats an old trick, 'a snake bit me can you suck the poison out!' tried it myself on a few women over the years, never had much luck with it though!
Lol. This is very funny. Of course, it wouldn't be (or atleast, AS funny) if he were in hospital fighting for his life.

Love the mulga comment.
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