turtles wanting to breed

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New Member
Jun 21, 2008
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Hi folks
We have 2 turtles approx 16 months old & have found they are diffrent sexes.
They are kept in a 6x2x2 tank indoors.
Lately the male has been trying to jump the female.
We would really love to breed them as we class them as our kids so as to speak.
Can anyone give us a heads up where to start as we have nil experience in this.
Thanks in advance & any help would be appreciated.
From what i've heard it's very unlikely for them to breed in a tank as there is no where to lay the eggs, putting them in a pond outdoors with someone for them to lay there eggs on is a great way to breed. IMO sand would be the best.
Thanks for the reply vincent
In your opinion what is the best way to set something like this up.
Weve never done this before & dont know how to set something like this up.
Any advice from yourself or other members would be greatly appreciated.
If he's jumping her then there is no reason why they wont do it for you. Just give them a dock with some sand in it that is atleast as deep as the females shell.
If he's jumping her then there is no reason why they wont do it for you. Just give them a dock with some sand in it that is atleast as deep as the females shell.

Yeah, you could do that. But ponds are more suitable as the seasons help them breed.
Ok thanks
The tank has about 30cm of water in it,should the level be lowered to put some sort of dock as you say or sand bank in a tray?Theres probably a million questions we could ask as you know there in a tank.ie if all went well would the male dig up the eggs?.do the eggs have to be kept warm?.
No i would leave everything as is apart from adding the dock because they would have to be pretty happy as they are to be doing what they are doing.
Attached are are couple of pics of the setup.


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how big are they? 16month old doesnt sound old enough to breed
I don't think they are old enough aswell, and if they do happen to breed put a box of sand somewhere for them to lay their eggs in.
There size is about 1cm bigger than a standard saucer for a teacup if this helps.
Maybe they cant breed but they are definetly giving it a go.
No doubt in my mind.
Ill try & snap them doing this & post when i can.
Courting Turtles


I think your turtles are a bit young to actually breed, however the male may be 'practicing'- doing the courtship behaviours. It looks like your trutles belong to the Emydura species. It a little hard to tell from the pictures, but are they Kreffts? At 16 months, I would assume they are still in the juvenile stage.
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