Unsure to buy a Pygmy or Central Bearded Dragon

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May 3, 2009
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A few things first this reptile will be my first reptiles. I am unsure of whether to buy a central bearded dragon or pygmy bearded dragon. Im struggling to find the differences besides the size of the pygmy ones.

1. How big are adults of each species
2. The major differences
3. Minor differences


im currently looking at a 90x60x60cm enclosure so i belive i can get 1 central or 2 pygmy's
Hey lol i asked the exact same question and got some different answers. I will try my best to give you the best answer. First of all Central Beardies get between 16 and 22 inches so sometimes over half a meter. Pygmys get to about 12 inches. The major differences are size, food consuption, tank space and personnality. The minor differences are that beardies do get some very nice colour on them, i am not saying pygmy's dont but expect to pay A LOT for a orange or yellow colour phase for a pygmy.
I would say for that size terrarium you would be better of with getting one central or eastern beardie, not because i dont love pygmy's but because they are a bit less sensitive and are usually a better feeder (though more expensive) i know that pygmy owners will disagree but i feel that normal beardies handle alot better than pygmys. i personally believe that you would have to up grade if you were to choose either two pygms or one central to a 4 by 2 by 2 within the next two years or more.
I hope that info is what you wanted any other question's you want answered i would be happy to try and give my best response!!!
Are they both friendly to children. i am going to take care of the reptile im 15.

Are the pygmy's more active?

I first thought i was going to get a central but my parents especially my mother prefers the pygmy

thanks mate
They are both friendly to anyone as long as you handle them correctly. Basically they are both alot more active when they are young but with old age they become more lethargic. I understand your parents as well, im fourteen and my parents also wanted me to get a pygmy but to be completely honest i would say a central beardie can develope a better bond with their owner. Best thing to do is if you have friends that are into reptiles or if you know someone with a beardie then take your parents over there and let them handle it. They will soon find that they are quite soft and do not bite.
So pymgy's are maybe a little more active but dont expect them to run up and down the cage everyday. i think that central's are a little better as a pet to be handled because they are more calm and not so twitchy, i know that pymgy owners are gonna give me **** for that but its my opinion.
if you have any other questions just send me a pm just click on my name and it should say send a private message
thanks for all the advice. just got my liscense and will decide in the next few days

I like centrals better but what i dont want to end up with his a huge dragon thats like 50cm+ and fattish.

My friend has a eastern which is 33cm at 20mths and i like that size but not the colour.

Do the parents of the dragon determine the size and colour usually?

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