What to get?????????

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Not sure if this was the right place to put this??? Im getting a wall mounted fish tank soon and was wondering what people would suggest putting in it. Total length is over 5ft, height is 2 ft with only a 10cm depth. Id like something colourful in it and as I dont know alot about fish was wanting your opinions.
Id really love to get Seahorses but am not sure if this is big enough for them.
thats going to be fun to keep clean

firstly the number of fish is determined by the size of the surface area of the tank, and seeing as how it will only be 5ft by 10cm i'm going to say try and keep your fish count to as few as possible otherwise you'll overload your filtration system.

also depends on the size of fish, i'm a silly olf tetra fan so would say a variety of those would be nice and colourful under a good flouro, with maybe some dwarf blue gouramis for colour and size, then maybe some longfin bristlenose catfish for a bit of interest at the bottom of the tank and help keep the algae away.
Hi, I have seen Seahorses in tanks smaller than that so do some research on them if that is what you would really like. I dont know anything about them so cant offer any advice in regards to keeping them. They dont appear to be the most active fish?? so may suit your narrow tank and dont grow too large.

Good luck and show us some pics.
Hi, I have seen Seahorses in tanks smaller than that so do some research on them if that is what you would really like. I dont know anything about them so cant offer any advice in regards to keeping them. They dont appear to be the most active fish?? so may suit your narrow tank and dont grow too large.

Good luck and show us some pics.

I have ordered a book on Seahorses and am eagerly awaiting its arrival so i can find out more... cant wait :lol::lol::lol:
seahorses need marine salt water and a good under gravel filter , I would recommend getting an air driven protein skimmer but space permitting may be an issue

they eat small amounts of live and frozen foods and a water change once a week given the size of the tank should suffice with any evaporating water replaced with RO water

i would recommend using collected salt water over pre mix stuff as it has all the trace elements needed ,

alwasy wait atleast a month before putting them in and cylce the tank using a molly , platy or a few guppies
A friend used to have sea horses. They are a lot of work. They require feeding at least twice a day, maybe more and water quality has to be perfect.
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