whats your most favorite horror movie?

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I grew up on horror,as teenagers we used to see who would run first from the friday horror night.Xtro,The Burning,Rosemary Killer,Alien+'s,Omen+'s,The Fog,Deadly Blessing,
all The Nightmare movies,The 80's was the time for Wes Craven,Stephen King,John Carpenter,Clive Barker.These guys must have had some scarey twisted dreams.
Never Say Never....
but seriously, Tremors. It's got an amazing storyline.
lol... it's funny cos when I was a kid mum would refuse to let me watch Child's Play, yet I watched exorcist and poltergeist when I was 7 or 8... by the time I was old enough to hire it myself I though it was just stupid lol

I saw one in the 70's (pommy film, black and white, made early 60's I think.) about these giant slugs with a proboscis that slowly slimed up to people (who lay there in terror) and sucked out all their insides until they looked like a paper bag. I was chuckling for days. Never caught the name and never seen it since.

The Giant Gila Monster

But most of all

Dr Strangeglove, because I see it in actual everywhere I look.
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Cannibal Holocaust
Pretty gory movie, was rumoured to be a Snuff Film which is pretty funny.
I watched the loved ones not that long ago and I reckon it was great. Worth looking into.
I saw Alien when I was about nine and that had me scared till I was about thirteen, then I saw the Exorcist and that had me scared till about now...
A Nightmare on Elm Street is hard to go past. Particularly because I saw it when I was young and impressionable (my sister showed it to me when I was 7...and I was terrified to go to sleep for ages after that).

I think the premise of a monster that can get you in your dreams is a pretty scary thing. The remake that they did recently was absolute crap though. And most of the sequels were a joke too. The first movie has the nasty, sinister Freddy that's truly scary...after the first one he became a comedian. Peter Jackson did a script for Freddy's Dead which I'd really like to have seen.

Some guy made a concept trailer for a new Elm St movie...and it looks wicked. They should have let him make the movie instead of Michael Bay!

YouTube - ‪A Nightmare on Elm Street REMAKE **CONCEPT** TEASER‬‏
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I was 5 when i first saw The Thing....... draw your own conclusions on that.
I think the premise of a monster that can get you in your dreams is a pretty scary thing. The remake that they did recently was absolute crap though. And most of the sequels were a joke too. The first movie has the nasty, sinister Freddy that's truly scary...after the first one he became a comedian. Peter Jackson did a script for Freddy's Dead which I'd really like to have seen.

The best horrors are done on things that can be very real but can make us feel hopeless to stop it. Like Jaws. I don't know many people can stop a Great White coming at you and they are very real (I saw them on TV once).
I think good horrors have a lot of suspense, like Alien and Saw.
Did you know when they blow the shark up at the end of the first jaws movie, if you slow down the explosion you can see the shark is filled with all the unsold E.T dolls the studio had left over from the movie merchandise.
I saw Alien when I was about nine and that had me scared till I was about thirteen, then I saw the Exorcist and that had me scared till about now...
well technically both these 2 movies are regarded as "the" scariest movies of all time. both had ambulances waiting outside the theatres when sessions were on because of people fainting, heart attack etc etc.
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