Why I hate letter's

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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This morning I had a call out for a snake that had it's head stuck in an empty can of Jim Beam!on the side of the highway. To make matter worse none of my usual vets wanted to go near him as he was a copperhead. Healesville sancturary took him in and he is going to be released later this afternoon.
I just think who ever throw the can is a complete TOOL I can never understand how someone can dis-respect this great land we live in by ruining her true beauty.
to the elderly couple who stopped and called when they spotted it THANK YOU.
Just last week I saw a smoking cigarette butt thrown out the window of a V8 gas-guzzler with "AUSSIE PRIDE" on the rear window. It's the same as the 4WD with the southern cross, also on the rear window, that served to hit a turtle on the side of the road several years ago.

"Aussie Pride"? How about "Aussie Vandal"?
I get at least three "canned snakes" a year from callouts.
If you get there in time they are easy to cut out of the can and release.
Carry some assorted sizes of scissors with you for cans, birdnetting ect.
Every time I have a little bit of plastic I think it would be so much easier to drop but if I do that what sort of role model am I for my kids and if every one droped oe thing Australia would be the worlds largest tip. Ever house has a rubbish bin it's not rocket science to put it in the bin even maccas cups now have diagrams of how to do this for those who are just stupid?!?!?!
I hear you loud and clear...some ppl just dont get the msg....but they would be the first ones to jump up and down if their kids cut their selfs on the broken bottles or cans hey,....or if they went camping and had to clear away someone else rubbish so they could have a nice spot to camp and then leave it like a pig sty cause it would be too much trouble to take their junk with them and put it in a bin. GET THE MSG PPL...TAKE UR RUBBISH WITH YOU AND PUT IT IN THE BIN.
I just did a similar rescue yesterday with a golden skink that had chased a cockroach into a Jim beam can
When i got him and the cocky out he snatched the cocky and ran for cover
(at least he still got his meal he worked so hard for)
Does anyone else have pics of reptiles stuck in rubbish like this?

Both these snakes came out of their ordeals with no permanent injuries and were released back into their areas.
Yeah, litterers suck,
wow the colour near that snakes head is stunning. too bad they're dangreous lol

and yes i can definately agree with the litterers rant. it shows no respect for anyone or anything. people just dont THINK of the matter in the long term. the way they see it is "its just one little bottle or one peice of plastic" or watever without thinkin of the buildup it causes.

then we need things like clean up australia day where good people sacrifice thier time and energy to pick up after the lazy people who cannot even take rubbish to a bin!
Yeah its very disappointing the state of our wild areas and the litter. Do these people litter at their homes, they probably do and we all know houses like that. Lets hope Karma is a rehabilitated Copperhead with a mean bite.im all for a licence to breed..for humans.
PS love your work Baz and Arron well done.
Nah we didnt get any photos this morning of the snake unfortunatly it was the last thing on our minds.
Thankfully I haven't come across canned snakes but have had call out to one in the past 12 months very tangled in birdnetting. A little green tree snake who ended up with a few cuts from the net but otherwise was happy to be on his way.

Gee, next time I get a chance to do a course I reckon I'd like some advice on freeing vens from cans. Are they gonna turn around and attack us or will they just take off? Must be a safe handling practice for such unfortunate critters.
Butts, Gum, and Spitting

If you dont do it in your own home, dont do it on your own planet.
I can't understand anyone knowingly leaving or dropping rubbish anywhere but a bin. It's not only disrespectful for the wildlife but everyone else who has to see it. I really get tired of this fast-living, disposable attitude some seem to have in our current society. You'd think we'd be getting smarter, not stooopider!
I can't understand anyone knowingly leaving or dropping rubbish anywhere but a bin. It's not only disrespectful for the wildlife but everyone else who has to see it. I really get tired of this fast-living, disposable attitude some seem to have in our current society. You'd think we'd be getting smarter, not stooopider!

I agree with you to a point, however littering isn't new. If anything it's frowned upon more now than it was years ago. There's certainly more education about it. Perhaps the issue now is about the type of material that's disposed of i.e. non-biodegradable plastics, metal and the build up of years worth of littering.
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