Woma eggs ~ pip @50 days but no hatchlings yet :(

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Active Member
May 14, 2011
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Miranda, Sydney, Australia
I have a small clutch of woma eggs that I pipped at 50 days, it's now day 53 and still no sign of hatchies coming out... The waiting game is tough!

Incubator is set @32 and eggs looked ok before I pipped them, with no mould or anything.

I looked through the slit and there are baby Womas in there :)

For those of you who have pipped your woma eggs, what was the success rate of them hatching?.

How long after you pipped them did your hatchlings come out?

Thanks heaps.
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IMO, 32c incubation temps for womas equates to about 55-57 +/- days.....hang in there.
.........cheers Baden (solar 17)
Hey Shiresnakes , in future if you want to pip your eggs wait till 1 or 2 have actually pipped the eggs on their own , that way you know they are ready to hatch.
As Baden said , day 50 may have been a bit early.
Average for woma's is 56 days......Just because one book publishes data saying 50 days, doesn't mean that's accurate.......had woma's since 1986 and even with maternal incubation.....56days!
I don't usually have any probs with the eggs hatching and I've never pipped them before. I did the Womas as I thought Womas sometimes struggled to get out of the egg.... Will wait longer next time :)

Any tips on what I should do now that I have pipped them?

Because of the moisture from pipping them They r looking a little average along the edge of the egg..... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks
don't worry if they are alive they will emerge when ready.
When i manually pip eggs i gently touch the animal with the scissor tip, if they flinch or move it's just a waiting game from there.
They are good at the game, it's us that aren't :)
I also find they absorb most of the egg fluid before emerging too.
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Hope all has ended well for your woma worms, have you got any news to report?
Thanks heaps, but it's been the looongest week, lots of waiting and checking but nothing yet :(

Phew whats the longest womas incubate for....anyone gone over 60 days? Thanks

I've just checked and they are all alive ATM, so still patiently waiting :)
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Thanks heaps, but it's been the looongest week, lots of waiting and checking but nothing yet :(

Phew whats the longest womas incubate for....anyone gone over 60 days? Thanks

I've just checked and they are all alive ATM, so still patiently waiting :)

Yep. Me. Last year. From memory was 62 days. Temps were 31.5
Glad that they are still kicking along.
Just try not to stress them with temp drops going in/out of incubator and lighting differences. I say that because I lost a few at about day 59 in almost identical circumstances (I pipped @ about 54) and I can only assume that I stressed them too much (with my well intentioned and excited checking) or they were affected by bacteria etc. My scissors were disinfected and every effort was made to have as sterile environment as possible. Last time you checked was the fluid clear like normal? I ask because the ones I had die started going cloudy as they went down hill. Not meaning to worry you, just my experiences.
Try to get some sleep and not to bite your finger nails off!

I hope all works out for you.:)
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61 days last season . and remember to wait for them to fully emerge from the egg by themselves or else you'll kill them. we had an "expert" up here that had 12 jungle eggs,3 hatched and the other 9 were annoyed/forced out of the egg before they had a chance to absorb the yolk. those 9 died over the next few days. patience.
Thanks for sharing your experiences SLIME & SLIMEBO, much appreciated and some good learnings for me to be careful of.

At the moment the are alive and fluid is a little cloudy in some, so fingers crossed....given your experiences I think I will just leave them and not check inside egg again for the next few days. Thanks again Luke
Quick update.... Sigh of relief today as one little head popped out this morning, fingers crossed for the others :).

Thanks again to everyone who offered advice, much appreciate!
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