Woma trouble

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Not so new Member
Apr 19, 2011
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Hi everyone i have a woma and he is about 7mths old very nice snake but recently im starting to think he has mites i have tryed two different mite sprays and i wipe them on with a cloth and let him dry out.
He seems to have not lost all of them yet and im starting to worry about him if anyone can help please do if not will accept a lesser priced snake as a swap as i just want him to get better and it doesn't seem to be working with me atm ???
Are you spraying his enclosure as well, how often are you spraying?

Edit - Also I dont understand why you would swap him for something else just because he has mite's?

What sprays have you tried? Can you please give us some more detail?
dont get rid of him just because hes got mites , how would you feel if your parents decided to swap you because you had headlice :);) not fair at all :) just keep trying to get rid of them a little bump in the road doesn't mean your a bad keeper , just shows that your alert enough to notice a problem :) + womas are the best so if you swapped him you wouldn't have the best species anymore ;)
Good way to learn I guess, I'm only new to reptile keeping aswell and I haven't had any real problems yet but I'm sure people on here could help me out.
atm im using aristopet repti-guard mite spray spraying him twice a day morning and night and wiping it on with a kitchen cloth but doesn't seem to be getting much better just yet?
You will need to treat the environment as well, otherwise the mites can still be reproducing in the enclosure. The bottle should have instructions for this on it.

You will need to treat the environment as well, otherwise the mites can still be reproducing in the enclosure. The bottle should have instructions for this on it.
hey iv'e now treated the enivornment again this is the 2nd time iv'e done that soo yeah we will c how it goes thanks for the advice though!
Hi Peter, as Flaviruthless said, you will need to treat the enclosure too.

What is usually instructed is to treat the snake and enclosure, then treat it again one week later. The first treatment kills all the existing mites, and the one a week later kills any that have hatched after the first treatment - these are not yet mature enough to lay more eggs so the second treatment kills the remaining offenders, leaving no mites and no eggs.

Do not treat the enclosure with the snake in their, leave it in a plastic tub or something for a couples of hours while the enclosure mists. then you can put him back in there. remove any rocks etc that can have crevices in them and treat them and leave them outside for a week or so - mites cannot survive without a host body. Any cardboard boxes etc throw out and replace with fresh ones.

Do not leave a water bowl in the enclosure while you are misting it. If i think of anything else i'll add it later :) there is a really good sticky thread on dealing with mites too
mate you need to treat the enclosure and not put him back in for at least 2 weeks so that the mites and the eggs that hatch will die. Put him in a warm detol bath so that the mite bites on the snake heals and kills the mites.(but also use reptile enclosure insecticide with the detol bath) But do make sure you don't put him back anywhere he has been. I to got a snake with mites and i did this and all is fine.
Kind a freaky when you first notice them but help is out there.
I would have thrown out any substrate and other things you're not attached to and gone to newspaper
atm im using aristopet repti-guard mite spray spraying him twice a day morning and night and wiping it on with a kitchen cloth but doesn't seem to be getting much better just yet?

Twice a day morning and night... is that what the instructions say? And you've used two different kinds of spray??? It would definitely have to be poisoned - once a week for two or three weeks would be the most you'd need.

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