Yet another one caught

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It is difficult to make a comment without sounding racists but is there any animal on the planet which isn't an aphrodisiac to the Asia race? When will they discover the best aphrodisiac is alcohol. Everyone looks better with a few beers. lol
:( For all those that get caught I wonder how many don't??:shock:
The only way to stop this sort of thing is to stop providing a market for them! I absolutely hate the idea people will go to these lengths to HURT and kill animals so they can get a hard on... What's worse, is there is absolutely NO scientific proof that these animals will sexually stimulate your organs... In fact, the chances of them helping are NONE! Tiger bone is NOT known to have any medicinal properties any different to lamb bone!

Makes me sick to the 'bone' i guess... But it goes on... The one that gets caught... pffft... how many got away?

I hear taipan venom aleviates rheumitism (sp?) and life.
The Media is also to blame here............. instanty putting a $ value on the reptiles! these are animals, reptiles ask nothing from us except to leave them alone. A snake in a bottle to bankok! I was aggro after 4 hours in economy!
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