dragon help (b4 i by)

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Not so new Member
Jan 13, 2008
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ok i have just about finnished my new tank 3x2x2 (just need to add platforms in the air) and am probly going to get a bearded dragon
unless i find something eles cooler. lol. i am in qld with a standed rec license is this ok?
next question is substrate, as i have herd alot about sand being bad but no one ever says y? if no sand whats somthing good that will make them feel like they r in the wild?
plus i would LOVE to get 2 but i no my tank woont be big enoth and i dont want them to fight. and when they get to full size it might just be big enoth for one, but i dont want it to be lownly so what should i do? lol
when they r full size are they just as playful and friendly as when they where smaller.
are the beardys that stay small alot more costy and whats there proper name?

thanks alot sry to ask so many questions just want the best possable setup:oops:
Sand isnt a good option as it cause cause impaction. Loads of people use newspaper and astro turf. You need to be careful with housing 2 together if they fight. Some do some dont, I house 2 girls together and they are fine. Im not sure playful is a word to describe beardies, but they are friendly and real characters. Mine give me so much laughter at their antics.
The smaller ones are called Black soil / Pygmy dragons/ Pogona henrylawsoni
Hope this helps some
thanks alot it has help alot. will only get one as i dont want to have to sell one when they fight or get big. i dont wanna use newspaper as it doesnt seem naturl (spelling) and i dont like the look. but if theres nothing eles and i cant find any of that grass stuff it will have to do. probly a very stupid q but will pygmy dragons fight each other? i will google it but just in case i dont find anything i will ask to
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I think the Pygmy's would fight if you got to males. If you look under For sale - equioment Sx_Celly ( Something like that) has some of the matting for sale, at a good price. Bunnings also has it.
i have centrals, theyre really docile at the moment (lol i dno if they will be less so later) at aged 1yr 2 months, and are just a PLEASURE to keep!

sorry im not being particularly helpful but theyre great, despite the fact they can grow largeish
thanks alot i was just up in bunnins to day ... damn lol i was so exited i almost finnished my tank in one day, looks like its back to bunnings lol
Funny that animals in the wild only sleep on carpet, newspaper......yerh right!

Feed them well, always keep veg in their,replacing it with fresh every day....feed them & they wont be hungry!
i have kept 3 together, 2 males & 1 female in a 3 ft habitat until they were 5 months..then added another female
within a month i put them in a 6 ft x 3x 2... no problems...they are close to 14mnths old now!
still now dramas.... they are big .& .healthy

Dwarf are Pogona henrylawsoni....Downs Bearded Dragon...
also other species...Nullarbor Dragon....Pogona nullarbor,
here are allot of species about not all easy to purchase
I agree in the wild they sleep on different substrate, but the question was why not to use sand, which I answered. Some people are lucky enough to keep a couple together but a lot arnt. Keeping females together seems to work better than males. If your keeping 2 males and a female I hope they dont decide to fight over the female when they reach sexual maturity.
GraftonChic....if that came across badly sorry...
people seem too afraid of using a more natural set up

My set up always had equal height & many basking spots...still does
totally agree with ratio's...females together are great... my tank is healthy...no one is hungry or missing out on food

i will be moving my boys out during winter...by that time my youngest (female)will move in
she will be big enough in 3-4 months
i only have hierarchy in the tank...out the tank the boys do test each other, rarely have them out together

Tankbuster...sorry about this being about my set up....dont mean to steel threads
i do feel i have to constantly explain myself....it cant be just me who has a healthy tank with 2 huge males i it!
nono dont be sry i am learning from what you`s are saying and you arnt steeling the thread, as its about substrate and if u can keep them to gether and thats all u r talking about :D
just remember, natural isnt always best, it irritates me when people think everything has to be natural. In the wild(100% natural) there is quite a high mortality rate. In captivity we have to take that into consideration. Using substrates such as sand, soil or wood chips can lead to impaction when the lizard ingests it. I use news paper, it may not look flasy but definatly does the job.
being captive bred dosnt mean anything to me as that means u could make a lego cage with leg substrate and climbing things and they would like it lol.
whats that cittly little like stuff like does that hurt them or is it fine to use that as a substrate?
kitty litter or breeders choice isnt the best to use, they can ingest it aswell. Stick with newspaper or marine carpet
totally agree with the kitty litter...seen some bad results posted on here..from snakes to monitors

in the wild they also get eaten by predators,the climate will predict whether they make it or not
& they survive if they can find food...!

there are many different variety of dragons....size variation... & colour
i was merely stating ..there isnt just one!
If you are getting hatchies I strongly suggest that no matter what you decide to get use newspaper or paper towel only. And use it until they are near adulthood. I fully agree that we arent talking in the wild we are talking captive bred and captive living. You can make everything else look like a nayural environment with logs, rocks ect. I strongly suggest that you research all species that you are interested in and talk to some of the reputable breeders and keepers that are on this site. Also remember that not all advice given by people on here is appropriate. Unfortunately there are a lot of armchair experts that think they have all the answers and that their opinions are the be all and end all.
can u silicone sand to the floor? they wont be able to eat it and it wont look wierd(ie newspaper)
No....just put up with paper until they are older. You couldnt clean the enclosure properly if you did that.
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