Irresponsible pet owner -HELP ASAP!

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Active Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi guys
My flatmates snake is in really bad condition at the moment. This will probably make most of you cringe..

5yr old M coastal carpet python, wild born. 7ft snake kept in a small wooden enclosure 74cmL x 41cmH x30cmW
The cage conditions are constantly damp (from the water dish being tipped over and not wiped out) MOULDY (the substrate is newspaper that has gone black with mouldy and the walls have a layer of mould also)
Dirty with fecal matter as he only cleans the tank every 2 months. A heat rock- uncovered (which had been tuned off for awhile until recently). And a hide box which he does not fit into as the box is too small to put something bigger into.
His box is in a hallway where he gets no natural light at all. Only light he receives is an hour or two from the hallway fluro light when it's on at night.
And he is fed 2 Live adult Mice every week and a half.

He has been a very heavy breather and hisses a lot.
Has been sitting in his cold water dish submerged for going on 2 weeks, with just just head poking out. And has white flecks of something on his head

Have suggested to flatmate that he needs a bigger cage on many occasions. -He says he will get around to Eventually (probably a couple of months away)
Have told him numerous times not to feed live mice. As apart from being illegal he probably has got mites from them.
He says he will continue to feed live mice and that he will order some mite spray.

I'm really at a loss of what can be done as he will not take any advice and doesn't have the time to take the snake to the vet.

Does anyone know of a vet that makes home calls? Money no problem.

And is their a likelihood of my reptiles getting mites? His box is 2 rooms away from where my enclosures are. If so any precautions I could take?
If you're herps are all on paper, legal and in good condition, make an annonymous complaint to parks and wildlife or the RSPCA, problem solved.......
That is terrible and he shouldn't be keeping animals if that is indeed his level of care, bloody appalling.

Yes, good chance your snakes could get mites,and if he is too lazy to clean and look after the snake, why don't you do it, for the snake's benefit. How can you stand by and let that happen when you live in the same house? S

Sorry if that seems harsh, but do it for the poor animal that has no choice in being stuck in those terrible conditions.

You say it is wild caught?!?! Is it kept on licence? If not, another reason he shouldn't have it.
Obviously he doesnt care for it much anymore, prebably a old fad, but everybody loves money. Convince him to sell the animal.
Does your flatmate have a license? If not, you know you could get into trouble simply because it is on the same premises as your animals?

The mites will eventually make there way to your snakes, no doubt about it.

I'm certain the snake will develop RI very soon if it hasn't already, check its belly, probably already has scale rot too.

If i were you i'd scrub the cage out for starters and buy some TOD. Definitely get it to a vet soon ASAP. As for your flatmate, kick him in the balls and give him a bill for your costs once you've tended to the snake's needs.
Hi guys

Has been sitting in his cold water dish submerged for going on 2 weeks, with just just head poking out. And has white flecks of something on his head

Sounds a lot like mites, I'd keep any of your own reptiles well away.
First of all the snake can't get mites from mice. Also if its 5 years old and WC then they must have had it for that long for them to know its age.If its the only snake they have and is infested with mites then there is every chance they may have come from your collection.

Is there anything stopping you from cleaning the cage and setting it up correctly?
Not harsh at all, I Have cleaned the cage for him on occasion when I couldn't bear him to live in his own poo for so long. But we are trying to force him to take responsibility.

Yes it's kept on a license. Was caught by someone qualified etc.
I agree with mrmikk if its that bad why havent you cleaned the poor animal... complaining about it or having good INTENTIONS are useless as the animal will continue to live in such a bad state. I understand you are appealing for help here but a more constructive way to help would be to take action and clean the poor things cage!
He sounds like he has the animal for the image. Get a few people to pick at it and pick on its faults and make him not want the animal anymore, then tell him he should sell it and get what its worth in cash, then offer to sell it for him and list it on here with a cheap price..... He will do it.
Then it will find a loving home....
So anyone know of a vet that does home visits? That way he'd get some attention and the owner might take head of any harsh words from them. Can vets take animals away like RSPCA if they think the animal is not being properly cared for?
Make a few phonecalls to vets that are local and ask them. There should be at least 1 around that does housecalls....
omg :,( that is so awlfull how can anyone do that to such a beutifull and helpless animal i agree with midnightserval see if he will sell it mabie if he doesent than you need to call someone that will help rspca? poor thing sorry about the spelling.
I agree with mrmikk if its that bad why havent you cleaned the poor animal... complaining about it or having good INTENTIONS are useless as the animal will continue to live in such a bad state. I understand you are appealing for help here but a more constructive way to help would be to take action and clean the poor things cage!

As said I have done so in the past, but am looking for a more long term solution this time.
He does not want to sell the snake. And we have offered to take care of it on many occasions. But he insists he will get it a better enclosure Eventually... as he has been saying for the past 4 months

Sounds like spca might be a good option..

Would spca find it another home or put it down though?
Not very many vets know much about 'creepy-crawly' animals. Do the research on google yourself and look up photos of mites/ticks and why its sitting in its water dish,etc. It is better if you can tell the vets whats wrong as they usually consult a book anyway.
RSPCA will probably hand it over to WIRES to find a carer as they havnt got the right equiptment
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