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Not so new Member
Oct 9, 2008
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Hi All,

I am new to the formum, and only had pythons for around 12 months.

I have a 5 Year old Coastal Carpet female who has bred with a Atherton Jungle Carpet male early this year One egg come out really soft and part deflated, and there was also a sold yellow/deformed egg that was of a yellow solid. Are the eggs usually soft and part deflated?

Is this normal? She is about 8ft long and only had the 1 full egg, it would look as if she has about another 10 left in her back half, do they usually lay them all at once or would she be having problems laying the eggs, she has left the single egg and mobile to reach the heat source? Anyone able to comment?



freeze the eggs

Last thing this hobby needs is more hybrids , just try again next year and dont cross bred your snakes.

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freeze the eggs

Last thing this hobby needs is more hybrids , just try again next year and dont cross bred your snakes.


Awesome help there buddy, their snake is by the sounds of it having trouble passing it's eggs and all you have to say is freeze the eggs? Pull your head out of your *** and look at the big picture here, they may have made a mistake but the snake shouldn't have to suffer for it.

I believe the eggs should be relatively all laid at once, the yellow one sounds like a slug and it should definitely lay more then these 2 it has. If it doesn't lay them you should get it to a vet.
Awesome help there buddy, their snake is by the sounds of it having trouble passing it's eggs and all you have to say is freeze the eggs? Pull your head out of your *** and look at the big picture here, they may have made a mistake but the snake shouldn't have to suffer for it.

I believe the eggs should be relatively all laid at once, the yellow one sounds like a slug and it should definitely lay more then these 2 it has. If it doesn't lay them you should get it to a vet.

I think he is looking at the bigger picture.
I am unsure what causes the deflating but I think you will find it won't be alive. If the mother has left it settled away from it then that is probably a good indication that she knows the egg is no good.

They usually lay them all at once but I am not sure about the time frame. I haven't managed to catch any of mine laying to observe this yet, would be very interesting to watch. But if she hasn't laid them by end of day or next day then I would be getting her straight to the vet. Egg-binding can kill a female and she will need help getting them out of her.
I think he is looking at the bigger picture.

No, people need to put aside their crap about hybrids etc when this person obviously needs help. I could care less what happens to the eggs, but the snake doesn't deserve to suffer if there is something wrong just because they didn't know better.
if she has not layed with in 72 hrs you really need to get her looked at by a vet, i would get her in if she hasnt layed the rest a by 24 hrs though because if you get in early enough the eggs wont stick to the uterine lining.
oh ... do you have a lay box, i would suggest you creat her a nice lay box with spagnum moss in it to make her feel comfortable, it may be the reason she is not laying, but as i said if you have everything right for her and she still doesnt lay get her to a reptile vet.
You know, this guy could be from overseas, and all you people immediately jump the same damn BANDWAGON every damn time! Get off your high horses! This guy needs some help with his snake which could have a possibly fatal ailment, or all you're worried about is more hybrids? Who cares what the female bred with? He's honest enough by telling you people, which makes me think that even if he was in Australia- he'd sell them as they are.

Can you people please get over yourselves and HELP a fellow herper when he needs help?

rustypython, you've been given some great advice by mysnakesau and Helikaon. And please don't be put off APS just from some comments from people who don't know when enough is enough. And if you want to cross breed, then have at it. I wish you luck, and I really hope your female is fine.
Take her to the vet as soon as you can. Regardless of what she bred with, it sounds like she is egg bound and it is a fairly serious issue for her. If she is egg bound and operated on, your first priority is to look after the female snake. Then I suggest you discard the eggs. Try keep it pure mate.
The deflated appearance generally goes within a day or so and can be a sign of dehydration. Have seen a few clutches with this happen, especially if you dont notice that the female has dropped the eggs and a few hours passes. usually once in a humid environment the deflation will go away and they will look full again.

As for slugs, well there isnt much you can do about that, but by the sounds of things, just incubate whatever you get.

Now if she hasnt passed the rest of the eggs, as mentioned, they could be bound and that is a pretty messy situation and vet will preferably be required.

All the best with it.
Normally slugs come out after the good eggs, so chances are she is already egg bound and or is not going to have any good fertile eggs. In any case irrespective of the eggs being viable or not, as mentioned becoming egg bound is a potentially fatal situation for your female. I would wait 24 hours and if she hasn't passed the other eggs, get her to a recognised reptile vet soon as possible and have her checked. If she is egg bound she will require surgery and will probably be unable to reproduce again anyway. This is a lot better than loosing a pet, so take her to someone able to help. Best of luck!
Atleast he was honest,he couldve have just said mated with my other coastal,best of luck with her Rustypython,i hope all is well......
not bing funny but some hybrid look better than a pure its been done so many times b4 so y pick on this 1
I LOVE it when people do research before putting their animals together!! Juuuuuuuuuuust love it.
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