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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2008
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i am breeding woodies for my bearded dragon
and i was just wondering how long it takes for them to breed...
they have carrot in there and heaps of egg cartons.
Thanks or all your help!

give them grains, cereal, vege matter and a warm dark place, then forget all about them for a few weeks with the exception of adding kitchen scraps. they thrive on neglect and in a few months you will have more than you can poke a stick at :D
Type in the search "Woodies + beardiee"
then find the one from 12-Oct-08 6:22pm
there some answers there.
zan- i bought a tub of woodies from the pet shop
pythoness- wow! i will deffinately put more food in! so they will pretty much eat anything? is there anything that they can't eat or is poisonous/not good for them??

Ive had mine for over 2 months now and they just started breeding, saw some tiny bubs running around the other day. :)
o cool thanks :D

vixen babe- what do you feed them .. is there any chance i could see a picture of the tank/tub?
should i get another tub??

you'd want to have atleast 100-200+ woodies.. petstore ones don't give many if I'm thinking right about the brand you bought you would need like 5-7+ tubs lol
ok then........................... iwill try and get some this weekend.
you will find bulk lots for sale on aps and petlink i started my colony with about 1500 roaches from babies to adults i paid about $70 from someone on petlink they were dropped at my door. i can pm you their details if you like but are they just for the one beardie if so i guess you wouldn't need anywhere near that many
I bought a 35 litre clear tub from bunnings for $9. i drilled holes in the top for ventilation. I keep it in the laundery where its dark and warm. I have had it there for only 4 days and there is a heap of eggs already
ive had mine for like a month and a half, but im not sure what to look for. any pictures or ideas people?
hi give it time bout 1 month or 2. I started breeding a couple of months ago. Just keep the food up and the heat and they will thrive mine in the last week has had about 300 babies. i feed my hole colony on carrot and rabbit pellets. make sure you start of with all different ages .
wow repetitiveness, you can buy 1500 medium woodies through piscies for around $70 bucks within a month you should notice smaller ones apearing
WOODIES FOR SALE on this site just set me up with a starter colony. Send her a PM for prices etc. Highly recommended.
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