Amyae drinking from water bowl

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
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IMG_2201.jpgJust a picture i wanted to share with you all. I came home from work last night and thought i would give my geckos a spray. I sat there and watched as my female Amyae decided she wanted a drink from her water bowl. I have never seen her do this before. She looked just like a little puppy dog lapping at the water.
thats an awesome shot

and there both super animals i might add :)
Great photo. Looks like you're getting the eye too, as much to say ' do you mind ' ???
They are looking great, their mother loves to drink water aswell. She has been producing some real lookers, I`m glad your happy with them.
Nice pic, have never seen mine drink either from the bowl or after misting.
They are awesome things to watch eh!
Awesome I so want some now to add to the gecko collection :)
GORGEOUS geckos! I have a young pair and one is going white, the other red....... can't wait till they are fully coloured up!
What a cutie :) I love watching them lick the glass but that is even cuter.
i didn't realise they drank from bowls!
(runs to find shallow dish,...)

is the white one actually white or just about to shed?
IMG_1967.jpgHi Chris1. He is not due for a shed. He is not quite white but very light. He is only 6 months old so will have to wait until he is older to get his true colour. This pic of him was taken about 2 months ago. It shows more of his true colour. I would say that he has a tinge of orange through him. You can see that his tubercles are white and his skin is different to them. He is a lovely animal though. Thanks Jimmy007.
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