Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Jan 25, 2011
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After having an in-depth conversation with an associate about the temperament of snakes i came off rather annoyed. Mainly due to their opinion being summed up by: "All snakes are vicious, blood thirsty creatures who will bite someone no matter what"

I did inform them that my spotted python has never actually bitten anyone, although they simply replied that she will bite me and anyone else if given the chance and that shes plotting to kill me, I'm just stupid for keeping a snake as a pet and it's our own fault when our pet snakes turn on us and kill us.

The ignorance of some people never fails to surprise me.
This is a reputation that will be done no favours by people having snakes on their radio shows deliberately biting them for fun
Funny enough saximus thats why the arguement started.
People believe wat they see on tv or read in the newspaper. Ask people (not into herps) about snakes and they automatically assume ur talking about anacondas because they've seen the movie.
Such a shame really such amazing animals, but its good to see the numbers attending the expos are growing and increasing the public awareness to the perfect little pet:)
My neighbor looked over the fence the other day to see a rather large red bellied black snake go flying between my legs and almost into a garden bed....he said "errrr what the hell is that??"....I said "don't worry, just one of my pets" :D ...I don't understand why they don't understand! :lol:
So true, When I told my friends that I had a python... their immediate reaction was "Gross" and "WHY WOULD YOU!!"... and then telling me that i'd wake up one night with it wrapped around my neck.
It wasnt until I brought them round and let them hold it that they realised that it was quite a calm and relaxing animal to own... (and mine is a jungle - who unfairly has a reputation for being bitey)... they never got bitten, and one by one, their attitudes are changing...

I think it really comes down to exposure, people who have never experienced it just judge in the negative. (and probably fairly so considering australia has some of the most venomous snakes around), once they realise how mesmorizing a python is, i think they'd change their minds fairly quickly :)
My neighbor looked over the fence the other day to see a rather large red bellied black snake go flying between my legs and almost into a garden bed....he said "errrr what the hell is that??"....I said "don't worry, just one of my pets" :D ...I don't understand why they don't understand! :lol:

Ahh Ha Ha HA. Thats funny. My neighbours Have been in my garage and seen a few of my things, and now they bring their neices and nephews over for a look. The kids love it, and always leave asking their folks for a new pet! Have'nt offloaded any to 'em yet though!!!
upon telling some people i had a python, 2 have stated that under no circumstances will they be coming over to our place ever again!
It makes me laugh at the reaction people give me when they hear I own reptiles. Most respond with the typical "why would you" and in the next breath say "i'll have to bring the kids over to have a look!" First you just insulted my pets, second did I invite you? Lol
Whenever I have someone say something about my little stimmy & his apparent ferociousness (which I should add haven't been tagged by him ever) I always bring up how many times I've had pet dogs/cats bite me or use me as a chew toy... & I've had people say they're never coming over; it's really not very mature & sometimes really peeves me! It's just all about awareness & knowledge of reptiles, which is scarce unfortunately.
very true woodys!! my cat eats me and scratches and bites with no warning at all sometimes - yet have never been bitten by my snake... really says something doesnt it

It makes me laugh at the reaction people give me when they hear I own reptiles. Most respond with the typical "why would you" and in the next breath say "i'll have to bring the kids over to have a look!" First you just insulted my pets, second did I invite you? Lol

^-- that made me laugh
lots of people this snakes are some crazy killing beast but thats only because they dont know, i have some family out west on a farm and they always get yellow faced whip snakes, browns, blacks, carpet pythons and smetimes even tipains and EVERY snake they see is always the same thing " get the shovle" the last time i went up there we were doing some sheep work in the yards and came across this carpet python it was easly 7ft and all these big farmers who were ment to be all tough just bailed into the she for something to hit the thing with, the funny thing is when all of them came out iv got this snake around my neck and they thaught i was crazy. what im trying to say is its all about education if we get our hobby out there for people to see than i think the peoples opinion will change.
Maybe it's time to get a morning show or the like to start showcasing Aussie reps (moreso snakes) once a week over a period to get most of our frustrations out there and educate the public. Food for thought
very true woodys!! my cat eats me and scratches and bites with no warning at all sometimes - yet have never been bitten by my snake... really says something doesnt it

^-- that made me laugh

Yes it does, we should kill all the cats and feed them to our snakes......:D:D:D
lol my spotted would never bite. i can feed her in my hand , she doesnt even strike what losers
first bite i got from my spotted was when it was feed time and had the sent of the food on my hand. she has never done it before. there is all ways reasons behind it.
it is when these 2 people provide 70% of the babysitting on the rare occasions my wife and i get a chance to go out!

Lol, all the kids I babysit always want me to bring a snake for them to see everytime!
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