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Well, I guess you did show everyone :)

If you've got all the paperwork in place to show that this is legitimately on license then it will be a case of "name your price", the fact that you have a strong healthy albino dragon will draw interest from at least a few large breeders.

I would also be keeping your address a secret for now too
Well, I guess you did show everyone :)

Not everyone! ;)

Mate play your cards close to your chest! You do not have to prove anything to anyone! Even a normal Eastern Water Dragon has a $$ value, so yours is certainly worth somewhat more when you decide to sell the offspring. Wait till you have bred it then post photos, sit back and watch them all froth at the mouth, then name a price and then see that all the kafuffle caused here was mostly caused by jealous tyre kickers :lol: :lol:
As far as I know, from working in the reptile industry in other countries. There are no albino water dragons anywhere else in the world. And i'll be honest, I dont have any problem in telling you how this morph business works. People will tell you its worth nothing only because they would want to knock your price down later or they can see you as a threat to their own business. That animal is invaluable, its the only one of its kind and in most states you would be able to sell its offspring on a basic license. It looks healthy and as far as dealing with albinos and morphs, I can vouch that they are as tough as natural occuring types. You would have to breed it and hold on to all the offspring for a few years though before it can be a financially viable project. Waterdragons aare hardy, big and impressive lizards and I think there would be a much bigger market for them than any blue tongue, or unstable albino bearded dragons! That would make them the safe and attractive and ONLY bet for people who would want to own an albino lizard. The first albino Green iguana was sold for $100000 US. So dont let anyone tell you that one of a kind animal is worth nothing. Its value does not lie in itself but in the potential of it to become established in the market. And fo God sake dont be swayed by petty cash to sell it on. Regards

Keep it and start your own breeding project. You are the only person in the world with this type of animal so you have nothing to lose. You wont be able to prove it is a genetically inheritable trait until you cross two siblings or a sibling back to the parent so IMO to reap the full rewards from it you would need to wait a few years yet.

As to what the off spring are worth, you can set your own price you are the only person with this bloodline. You could even look at auctioning them when the time comes, that way you could definatley get a good price for them. But i would think they would be worth slightly less than albino snakes just because there is a bigger market for snakes than lizards.

But you sure put a few noses out of joint here! Good onya mate!!!
I thought i said that Morelia_Hunter? just without the typers cramp :lol:
I would just suggest here that it is imperative you do not release your personal details. Their are people out their that will do crazy stuff for money.
Lovely little guy. Good luck with the project.

BTW is it you advertising desperately wanting female eastern water dragons on petlink ???
thats one cool looking dragon ,
love to see more pics of him or her to help confirm what sex it is
i hope this eastern water dragon is fast tracked into a breeding programe so dragon lovers have a chance to own such a unique dragon
It would be worth a stack now, but with the way those things breed, it won't last long, so plan your sales carefully. Good Luck!
Typers cramp!!!! Yes, dont add my 2 cents worth much these days anymore. And no need to prove its genetic, albinism is genetic. Just dont let that bloody georgeous thing die!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant believe the snake ranch did not snatch that up. Im sure you could take better pics too. Just my opinion!!!
Im just writing here to attach myself to this thread and too see what actually happens in the future of this pretty fly white guy...

Good luck!
I would also be breeding the parents again until the albino is big enough to breed - and then breeding him back to one of the parents (for guaranteed hets and albinos).


Typers cramp!!!! Yes, dont add my 2 cents worth much these days anymore. And no need to prove its genetic, albinism is genetic. Just dont let that bloody georgeous thing die!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant believe the snake ranch did not snatch that up. Im sure you could take better pics too. Just my opinion!!!

Not all forms of albinism is genetic. All albinism that i have heard of in reptile so far has been, but there have been forms of non-inheritable albinism, like the albino gorilla i think it was in Sweden?
Snowflake the gorilla - Barcelona Zoo
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If I were you, or Adam, or whoever is in charge, I'd get in contact with a respectable breeder who knows their **** quite well.
Then cut a deal with them that you split the earnings from it one way or another.
You get a steady income from the offspring, and the breeder gets boosted up in the hierarchy of known breeders.
Both of you win.

But yeah, like mentioned numerous times, be careful who you deal with.
People have had pythons and other animals stolen because of their value, and most were your common varieties.
Not this one of a kind that's worth thousands.
Make sure your security system is up to scratch.
its worth as much as someone is willing to pay,definatly wild caught if u r looking for females to breed with it,lol,now on another thread about albino bredlis, here we have the same case in point,we have an animal,no one gives 2 hoots about,all u are thinking what u can make off of it,ive got no probs with that ,if they sold for the same price as normals,bet the little tyke still b running free,anyways nice looking eastern,be interesting to see what he looks like when mature,how old is it supposed to b,looks quite yoing still,and i cant see it taking to long to flood the market with them,they r prolific breeders and hardy as well,oh i do like the look of some of the albinos,dont get me wrong,wouldnt catch me paying that coin thats all,all the best with the little one,just remember the animal,THE ANIMAL,not what u can get for it,and im curious as to why a reptile dealer would knock it back,sounds odd to me,something to think about,are u licenced to keep?
just my 2 cents
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