April fools day has ended.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ok, now that April Fools Day has ended, let's share the pranks we played!:) You can see most in my signature, but I wanted to add the rest, as well as make the present ones shown a bit clearer.;)

The pranks I pulled were:

I put cling wrap between the toilet and the toilet seat!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil: It didn't work though, my mum saw the cling wrap before the joke was about to be successful!:(

I stuffed toilet paper in the ends of my dads, mums and little brothers shoes!:D:D:D They couldn't get there feet in until they realized there was toilet paper in them!:D:D:D

I cut the bottom out of the box of wheat-biscuits. When my little brother [or was it my dad?] lifted it up, the contents fell everywhere!:D:D:D

I put coffee in the teapot instead of tea, [mum hates coffee] but this wasn't successful,:cry: as mum didn't have tea with her brekky this morning.:rolleyes: Anyway, she said that she smelt that it was coffee anyway!:(

I balanced pillows on slightly open doors! When my little brother opened the door, the pillows fell on his head without warning!:D:D:D

I was gonna get the mouse cursor to move really, really fast, but I didn't know how to do it.:( Actually I did, but I just couldn't find the bar I needed to click on.:(

Tell us your pranks, that is if you did any!

My 12 yr old sons dad called at 7 am and told him his granddad would be calling with some news about the school so we knew it would be a prank so we made a plan. At 7.15 when the home phone rang I got my son to answer it. It was his grandfather who told him the school had caught fire and there would be 3 weeks no school. My son said " Poppy I am at school there is no fire."
Poppy said, "Why are you at school so early?"
Son replied "Oh Mum stayed at her friends house last night and me and Jesse (9 yr old brother) were bored at home so we came to school.
Poppy, "But you answered the home phone."
Son, " Yeah, I had it redirected to my mobile (he has one so I can reach them on their way to and from school)"
Poppy starting to panic, " But you shouldn't be alone all night and you shouldn't be at school"
Son, " Bahaha, APRIL FOOL Poppy, Backfire, as if Mum would leave us by our selves, you so got got.Bah hahahahahahaha etc."
Really was classic.
Yours are awesome Thomas, might have to borrow some for next year.
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My wife got me a big one. She told me she loved me this morning. I fell for it too.
My sport teacher went on for the first 15 mins of the lsson about a huge exam that none of us had prepared fo and then she shouted 'APRIl FOOLS!'. We all burst into relived laughter!
Interesting pranks and good for young kids....

In the middle of the night I stole my mother's car and spent 2 hours on a quiet street aluminium foiling the entire interior of her dash! Much to my satisfaction, she was in a rush in the morning, and by the time she found it she had no choice but to drive it as it was to school haha!! :D
1. Switched coffee powder for curry powder.
2. Counted down to April Fools day telling someone "I have the biggest prank in stall for you!!" , and today made them so anxious and scared they always looked in all directions, then came from around the corner yelling "April Fools!!!"
3. Stuffed a cockroach in someones desk.
4. Pretended to eat a goldfish (carrots ;))
5. Got some confetti and glitter, then got a cloth, I taped the cloth to the ceiling with the confetti and glitter in it, then I tied some fishing line to the cloth, then attatched the other end to a persons desk, (the teacher was in on this joke), then when they opened their desk, it spilled confetti and stuff all over them:lol:

I played a couple of prank calls too :D
1. Switched coffee powder for curry powder.
2. Counted down to April Fools day telling someone "I have the biggest prank in stall for you!!" , and today made them so anxious and scared they always looked in all directions, then came from around the corner yelling "April Fools!!!"
3. Stuffed a cockroach in someones desk.
4. Pretended to eat a goldfish (carrots ;))
5. Got some confetti and glitter, then got a cloth, I taped the cloth to the ceiling with the confetti and glitter in it, then I tied some fishing line to the cloth, then attatched the other end to a persons desk, (the teacher was in on this joke), then when they opened their desk, it spilled confetti and stuff all over them:lol:

I played a couple of prank calls too :D

Yours are great jordan!
Stupid teachers told us we were having a day cleaning all the chairs desks handrails of all the graphiti and gum.. Then were like april fools.. No one laughed.. Shame.
Some rather intelligent people in Melbourne decided to drive around all night and glad wrap cars!! Turns out they ended up wrapping about 100 cars, even wrapping one to a tree!!,
But the funniest thing was they attached a card to each car with a number on it, and even left each car with a pair of scissors!
Bot that I found it amusing but the other half turned off my alarm...
Woke me up, told me I was going to be late for work...
I sleepily walked to the toilet only to find he had gladwrapped the toilet seat and placed a big dirty fake spider on the glad wrap.
Bot that I found it amusing but the other half turned off my alarm...
Woke me up, told me I was going to be late for work...
I sleepily walked to the toilet only to find he had gladwrapped the toilet seat and placed a big dirty fake spider on the glad wrap.
You dont need the other half to turn of the alarm, when you got the snooze button:rolleyes:haha
Next time give her a slap to the face and tell her you'll wake up when you're good and ready :D:D:D LOL
did the easy things. told my brother he deserved employee of the month for his hard work and that he was the foundation of the family business. Then told my dad he looked like he was loosing weight. both saw straight through it but ah well. I like the cling wrap on the toilet seat idea.
Got hubby a beauty............... we've been having problems with the plumbing in the ensuite bathroom for months, till a desperate situation made it that we HAD to get a plumber out. 600 dollars and a newly concreted hole on the back verandah later to get to the pipes, we got out bathroom back!!
Woke up on THE morning, and mentioned about April 1st. (He always gets ME every year), so I let him know I was aware of it...........
While in the bathroom afterwards, smiling quietly to myself...............I flushed the loo................then started screaming at poor hubby about the blasted plumber, and how bloomin useless he was, "Damned toilet's banked up AGAIN" I carried on as he came in the bathroom puzzled. Looked in the loo and said but it's not full now................as I was telling him how it DID, he flushed it to check. TOTALLY sucked in!!!!!
He said it seemed ok, to which I replied Yeah, well I suppose it helps to speak to a fool in April. OHHHHHH THE SATISFACTION.... first time in years I actually got him!!!!!!!
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I did a few at work (an rsl) i was telling people they won a 500 draw we were having because we cleared a link they were eating it up sooooo good.

I tild my gf we should have an open relationship. Prob not the best idea she wasnt very amused.

We arent allowed pets where I live but i have bought a cat anyway cause no1 can tell. So i tild everyone i had gotten a puppy cause he looked like our old dog and was so cute had them blowing up so much saying ill be kicked out with the dog if i did. told them hey had to walk him he was in my room cause i had uni. so i put my laptop on with speakers to make th sound of a dog wimpering and repeated it so when they heard and went to my room and opened door a massive sign saying aprils fools was there.

I did alot me but cant be bothered typing.
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