Barking Gecko

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Active Member
Jul 9, 2011
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thinking of getting some barking geckos.
what size tank do u need for 2 barking geckos? and what temps do u need?
Probably not much over a 2 by 2 ft, maybe a 3 by 3? Someone who keeps them could clarify. Depending on your locality you may not need any heating but if you do it is best provided through a heat cord under apppx 1/3 of their cage.
I had my first pair together in a 45cm glass cube n they seemed happy enough and bred in there. I keep all my geckos separate these days not that I had an issue but saw others having trouble now and then, doesn't happen to often that they attack each other but I'd just not want to risk it. Thick-tails are a cooler temps loving gecko than warm so anything around 26-28c os a good start. They handle temps as low as single figures without heat during winter but I wouldn't keep them under 10-12c myself. The thing that knocks these guys around is extended heat over 30-32c so if you live where it gets hot hot put the tub/tank ont he bathroom floor. Feed crix that are the size of the distance between eyes, a sand substrate and two or more hides so if one annoys the other it can move away. Dust crix in calcium powder every second feed or third and vitamin powder once every fortnight. Mist or spray the side of tank every 2nd or third day as they take moisture by licking the tank walls more than drinking from a water dish and keep one side of enclosure damp to aid in shedding. I think that's all for now...anymore Q's just ask ;)
hey smithers thanks for the reply how long do they live for and how bigger heat mat would i need for a 60x30 cm tank?
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Not to sure on the life expectancy sorry. If you want to give yours heat a 7watt should give enough warmth your after. I use Reptapet heatmats with built in thermostat. If you do use a heatmat it's best you use a digital thermometer to see what exact temps are. although I have found these heatmats reliable it's always a good idea to check temps with another source to be sure.
ok thanks
i want to get 2 should i get a male and female or 2 females is it worth breeding them and buying the permits?
ok thanks
i want to get 2 should i get a male and female or 2 females is it worth breeding them and buying the permits?

It's totally up to you if you want to get a M/F pair or two females. If you do breed and want to sell off the young generally the seller will add the cost of the permit into the sale price.
just look all the heat mats say they heat up to 30oC will that be ok or is that too hot?
Don't use any heat source without a thermostat built into the unit or not. I have a heatmat here that can go to 40+ so not sure where your info came from that they only heat up to 30c. I think you should re read my over all post on husbandry that should answer your last Question.
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