Bedroom To Snake Enclosure

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Throw out your clothes and sleep in your wardrobe.
I too have had thoughts on turning my house into one giant reptile enclosure, and my back yard into a single pit.
You have my full support in this project.
Haha! This sounds kool! But at the same time nuts! Lol there would defiantly come some health issues with your whole room being a snake enclosure I recon, like what would you use as substrate would you just fill your whole room with like 100 bags of aspirin? Lol and not to mention you could accidentally step on the fella if ur not careful! And I'm sure you know they can squeeze under a door if they want so the room would have to be full proof! On the upper hand it would be kool to have like a giant branch running through your room! But also heating would be a huge concern trying to keep the right thermo reg!! Agh yeah seems like you got some brain storming to do hear! But if you succeed let us all know nd post pics caus this would be kool to c lol
My door has not gaps, but yeah ill be taking pics when im doing it.
There is alot of things you will have to sort out, your sleeping, heat, escape proof, floor ect... One of my uncles mates had a old 2nd bathroom in his house he converted into a enclosure for a +9ft blackheaded. Had a massave half a tree a massave home made hide rock and a couple of benchs electric blanket for heat also was handy because he had the bathtub for a water.
Why worry about the carpets snuggling up in bed?
They just curl up near your feet usually anyway

But shut them away for a few days after a feed
Can get messy otherwise
Hey i got an idea for this if anyone one has the time i say buy 4 x 6ft boxing bag brackets and hang ur bed from ur ceiling they are really strong this way the snakes can't get onto ur bed... problem solved
Hey i got an idea for this if anyone one has the time i say buy 4 x 6ft boxing bag brackets and hang ur bed from ur ceiling they are really strong this way the snakes can't get onto ur bed... problem solved

And how does he get to his bed?
Well on the bright side, his mum won't be searching for his porn collection any more...

Also pet shops keep hanging up on me when I enquire if they stock bedroom sized heat mats.
So logistically - what do you need to do?

Your whole room will be an enclosure? Or will you just have a large enclosure in your room?

The latter of course is simple - you can make very large cages (no need for glass) for around $600 - just take a design for an outdoor enclosure and use it indoors. You can use cubloc from Ulrich and make the dimensions what ever size you like. Just remember though, one day you'll want to move and then it becomes a pain.

If it was the former - your room being a full enclosure, of course you have the issue of snake(s) crawling over you at night and if you want to bring a pretty girl (or boy) home you'll need to explain the risks associated of sleeping in your jungle python's enclosure.

The defecation on the carpet also may devalue the house somewhat, however, when you're moving out, at least you won't have to dismantle a large enclosure.

Alternatively, if you made an enclosure large enough, you could also put your bed in it - therefore solving the 'carpet' issues but not solving the bringing home a pretty girl or boy issues.

I think I'm as perplexed as the next guy for an answer to your conundrum - but I'm not so quick to assume troll... Personally, I'd LOVE to put an airbed floating on a turtle pond inside!

I had considered freshies - but I reconsidered just in case there was a pretty girl in my life - turtles have the 'cute' factor....
Sounds like it's more about inventing a nappy for the snake if your only issue is crapping in your bed....

Can you imagine how much substrate you'll also need for your bedroom floor?
We have a couple of 'free range' snakes that wander around 3 rooms of the house
2 retics and a burmese and never have any dramas
Never worry about substrate
They just lie where they feel cosy
Usually the bathroom at night or under the gas stove
We simply made those rooms escape proof and they are big enough to find easily
We have a couple of 'free range' snakes that wander around 3 rooms of the house
2 retics and a burmese and never have any dramas
Never worry about substrate
They just lie where they feel cosy
Usually the bathroom at night or under the gas stove
We simply made those rooms escape proof and they are big enough to find easily
how do you deal with the poo?
In my opinion, you're just asking for trouble with an idea like that.
With larger snakes, some aspects may be more practical ie. you can find them easier, you are less likely to step on them etc.
However, I'm assuming your collection consists of relatively small (and fragile) pythons like carpets, Antaresias and the like.

What is one gets caught in a door? What if you step on it? What if something heavy drops on it?
What if one climbs into your bed for warmth, and you roll over on top of it and asphyxiate it?
And yes.. How will you keep your room sanitary?

My guess is that you are just a stinge.
Fork out the money and buy them some enclosures.

And Longqi, I'm intrigued.. How do you go about cleaning up after an adult retic decides to let loose? In your house :shock:
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