Feeding problem

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New Member
Jun 24, 2004
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can anyone help me l just got a childrens python she is about 4 l got her about 4 weeks ago and she will eat for me what do l do?
post a few more details first please. :D
When did it eat last?
Is it approaching shed? (has it had mikly eyes?)
Your enclosure details etc (tempratures?)
How much are you handling it?
Are you offerering live or frozen/thawed food?
What sized food?
Are you offering at night or day?
:D There are so many reasons why a snake may not eat, answers to these questions can help us narrow it down and find a solution. Dont worry too much, snakes can go very long periods without food, without any harm. It could simply be that her last owner was allowing her to "cool"
(That is, lowering the tempratures to simulate wintwer period of inactivity) During cooler periods
tempratures are sometimes too low for the snake to metabolise (digest) food so it wont eat.
Havent seen you before so Welcome! :D
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