First Snake - my cunning plan worked!

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Once people break the barrier of " its going to bite me" its more more moar!. When I get home, I check on my animals,freak out that shes not in there. But shes just been taken on a wander around the house....

Haha!! that's funny.. At least you dont freak out in the middle of the night (and wake entire household lol) thinking one of them has gotten out of it's enclosure in the bedroom... and I dont even have any reps in the bedroom!! hahaha... i thinks i am developing an OCD. that and the number of times i have to wash my hands each day!! Geez..
Patience, porkosta! Took me almost 2 years to finally bring her around. Does your missus love the lizards already?

2 years is nothing. I'm going on 3 or 4 years and still nothing. However she does like the dragons but doesn't like the feel of other lizards such as blue tongues... working on that at the moment.
my biggest issue isn't so much the aquisition of animals, more how to delicately & diplomatically reveal what they cost to aquire......

That cracked me up I'm the same. Moms isnt over her fear of snakes shes just accepted that they are a part of my life. Just the cash shes worried about haha
i've founded my collection on the principle:

it better to ask for forgiveness then permission. I had the herps before her so it's worked well.

But never let them know the cost until you have bred then offer the proceeds of the 1st animal from each clutch as a sweetener/ When they can see the value in them they come around :)
or just ditch the misses and get snakes :p glad im single and can do what ever i want lol
driftoz, I reckon the moment you find a chick you like who's as into reptiles as you (maybe even more?), you'll buckle! LOL! Still, being single is one way of getting every rep you want with no guilt.

i've founded my collection on the principle:
it better to ask for forgiveness then permission.
Sounds like this method works for a few people, yommy. And I'm guessing once the collection hits about 20 critters, you could sneak new animals home without them even being noticed until they're well and truly settled in!

2 years is nothing. I'm going on 3 or 4 years and still nothing. However she does like the dragons but doesn't like the feel of other lizards such as blue tongues... working on that at the moment.
Good luck with that mate, that's ages! Have you introduced the missus to a puppy-dog python, let her have a hold and feel their beauty? Once my missus realised they shared a lot of mannerisms with the lizards, she was heaps more comfortable. Now she loves snakes. Well, pythons... Still got a ways to go before I'm allowed vens in the house!

Here's the one and only pic I've taken of our little girl; since she came home (last Sunday), she's been in hiding the whole time, and is only just now beginning to show some interest in her new enclosure. Hope to get heaps more pics in the coming weeks. Sorry about the quality, but you get the idea - she's VERY timid!



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guessing she hasn't shed yet?
shouldn't be far off then she'll probably come out and check out her new home.
G'day Stu, her eyes aren't milky but she did come out of her hide last night - just to go straight into another hide! Only caught a glimpse of her, but no sign of any skin dangling off her or elsewhere in the cage. She must be getting hungry, but I'll wait 'till after shed, yeah? She's a gorgeous little creature - her shyness adds to her charm, I reckon!
I'm guessing still no handling until after she's shed?

And yeah, Chris, if she's not careful, she'll be given the name Heidi, 'cause that's about all she does! Ah well, there'll be plenty of time to bond in the coming years. She must be thoroughly freaked out by the new surrounds and smells. Plus, I think she's pining for Stu (breeder) hard core - she knew she was on a good wicket living there!

no harm in giving her a mouse now, usually helps get their act in gear and shed.

i wouldn't handle her until she feeds for you, which won't be long, she was a little pig.
Well, our little girl has finally come out of her hide and has been cruising around the enclosure checking things out. Decided to grab a couple snaps while I could see her!


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chuck her a mouse?

the beardies won't be getting any attention now lol. looks like she's got plenty of new things to explore.
aww, what a cutie!

looks like she didnt wanna be called Heidi after all, lol,..i thought that was a pretty good name actually!! :)
Great news; I found her shed (all squashed up in a solid bundle) in her hide, and she smashed a mouse down! That's her first feed from me. Now she's gone back into her hide - IS THIS ALL THEY DO!!! LOL!!!
I can't unroll the shed without tearing it, so I had a good look at her and there are no visible bits of shed anywhere on her. Also, I can plainly make out the tip of her tail in the unrolled shed; does that mean she got it all? So that's why she's been so shy, eh?!
good stuff nic, thought she was looking a little dull. glad she fed for you, was hoping she wouldn't make a liar of me.

she'll hide for a few days now and then should start getting pretty active at night. atleast in a few days you can finally pull her out :)

If it's all in one piece she'll be sweet, the most important thing to come off is the eye caps and tip of the tail, you'll see if they didn't come off. with a fresh shed it is pretty easy to unroll and check, and easier as they get bigger.

probably catch you out at the kenya detention centre in the next week or 2.
Sounds like this method works for a few people, yommy. And I'm guessing once the collection hits about 20 critters, you could sneak new animals home without them even being noticed until they're well and truly settled in!


She has set numbers (adults) though i am over them. :) But my loop hole is offspring don't count.
If i want a new animal, i'll only ever buy hatchies to develop up i never introduce adults into my collection (quarentine protocol) so they aren't notice in the hatchie section/area.
She is starting to see the value in them so she is mellowing :) I fashion my collection on quality over quanity so all is good. I am more then willing to wait for the right animals.
For those who are interested, here are a few pics of our little girl, who is now feeling a little more secure at her new home. She has quite a noticeable iridescence in her new skin under the sun. She's quite adorable in fact, and I wouldn't be biased at all ;)!
Btw, we decided to call her Aisha in the end, not Heidi.


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Well done Nicman, good thinking, trouble is, when one already has pythons, and wants to get others, how does one convince hubby we really DO need another ONE....... just ONE.....I promise, no more after just ONE more............... pleeeeeeeeeeeease????? LOL
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