Frill neck???

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2003
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Gold Coast
Has anybody kept an adult male Frill neck with any other lizards? Can you post pics of your setup? ANY help or info will be appreciated. I do know how to keep frillies and my hatchy is going great!! I am just curios about adult.
Thanx in advance, Adam
Yeah, I keep my adult male frilly with an adult FEMALE frilly but I wouldn't dare put him with any other species


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That is a great setup. Thanx Peter. What temps do you have in there?
I am using a 160 watt mercury vapour. In summer the top of the cage is usually about 35 but peaks at 40 and the bottom is usually 30 and peaks at 35. Last winter I used that ceramic to supplement heat. it was on permanently. That way the top of the cage only got down to about 18 over night. I wont be doing that this year because I have a new herp room that wont be as cold as the room they used to be in.

the cage is 4 foot long, 2 foot wide and 6 foot high.
yes mate. hehe

The frillys wont take vege's from a bowl so I have to spoon feed them and it is a spectacle to watch. they certainly dont hold back from that spoon.
Thanx for that. I have just picked up an Adult male. He was unsettled at his last owners and wouldn't eat unless offered pinkies on tweezers. I want him to be settled and eat insects on his own and get him eating vegies. Do you offer dog food to yours?
HI Mate,

Mine basically sulled for 10 months. They wouldn't eat in their cage if I was around and would only take vegies etc from a spoon. But now they are fine. I merely remove the substrate and dump some crix in there and they gobble them up. I then give them a mouse in the middle fo the week. I feed them once a fortnight through winter.

Here is a pic of the male.


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My male Frillneck (previously Pete's) loves a bit of dogfood. In fact he has been known to jump out of the cage to get the dogfood if you don't put it in the cage quick enough.
Good stuff. I am going to try my new male on dog food tonight and woodroaches. He is a bit thin as the last owner couldn't get him eating as he was stressed.
I keep my male with 2 females ATM they are not full adults,.
2 of them are fine but one is a big sook so there enclosue front is coverd 24/7 with a sheet.

and i give them catfood but not very often, they seem to like it.

Cool. We use small dishes of My Dog. All our other lizards and monitors eat it. Keep the info coming.
I'm curious as to why you feed them veges? I'm pretty sure they are obligate carnivores in the wild.
"As indicated, besides crickets and "woodies" (Speckled Feeder Roaches), we feed our lizards a "wet-mix". It consists of about 40%, by volume, of "Kitekat" tinned cat food (Beef & Vegetables variety), 40% finely grated carrot and 20% finely shredded lettuce. (Hatchlings will require these items to be cut extremely fine.) To this mix we occasionaly add a sprinkling of calcium and vitamin supplements. Most adult frillies, if left alone, will come down and feed on their own, particularly if a few drowned woodies are place on their saucer of wet-mix. Woodies will drown in about 1 minute. If they are not immobilized in this way they quite often escape whilst being fed off. We will now describe the precise method we use to feed younger individuals."

this is a quote for the care sheet at the herp shop mate
Well my hatchy is as easy as a bearded. They are supposed to be similar to beardies to keep.
The main difference between beardies and frillies is their temperament and willingness to be kept in cages. Beardies don't seem to mind being handled and dono't stress out too much at people. Frillies dont ever seem to become really handleable and at the Mac Herps show recently I had to cover over the male frilly's cage because he was clearly stressed.

so yes, husbandry is basically the same as a beardie but they certainly require a lot more attention. By attention I don't mean keep looking at them but make sure you attend to their husbandry needs.
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