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Nov 13, 2012
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Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help I've got a jungle that I put in with my diamond python i thought that they were both female and my jungle was almosted doubled in size and I haven't feed her in awhile. What is the best wat to tell if she is gravid. Besides feeling if there are inside her
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How old are they? There isn't a 100% way to test if a python is gravid but if you really think she is, wait until she sheds and count 25-35 days after the shed then she should lay .. Might also want to separate them
It could have been worse....could have put two males together :)

Agree with the above info! Was just about to write that myself. If you really want to know like STRAIGHT away thenyou can pay $$$ to get an x-ray to see if she has eggs or not. Not recommended though...
First post and a cool story bro.

Easiest way to check is to cut the animal open,you will be able to see the eggs,if any.
It could have been worse....could have put two males together :)

Agree with the above info! Was just about to write that myself. If you really want to know like STRAIGHT away thenyou can pay $$$ to get an x-ray to see if she has eggs or not. Not recommended though...

To my knowledge an x ray does not show anything however a ultra sound does show eggs and is not harmful to the animal
Maybe try getting both snakes sexed properly by a good reptile vet to see whether you do indeed have two females or not. At the very least you'll then know if being gravid is an actual possibility.
Nevermind. Still silly putting them in together though - has been more stories of problems than not with housing carpets together.
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Waste of a perfectly good Diamond and Jungle.. why not just get another to make a proper breeding pair instead of creating some ugly mongrels noone is going to want to buy?

I think if you read the OPs post properly you would have noticed they were under the assumption they were same sex and didn't have the intention to breed.
Why dont you pulpatate the snake for eggs. Its very easy and pretty accurate. Almost to the point that you can count almost every egg.

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