Hi, Theres a Dugite in my house....

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Not so new Member
Jan 8, 2011
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Argyle WA
Hi All,

It's not quite as serious at it sounds.

Where to start, Ok, I have always had a phobia of snakes, Spiders don't worry me, i catch them and move them no worries, but that part of the brain that has evolved in modern man to run the other way when they see a snake is quite highly developed in me.

So imagine my surprise the other day to hear a bit of a rucus in the laundry, put my book down and look over about 4 meters away to seem my Burmese cat jumping up and down on a 1.5 metre dugite in the middle of the laundry. My two cats are inside only cats, and have no perception of danger, the other day while moving some sheets of tin around, I startled a 600mm king skink which proceeded to run straight into their outdoor enclosure, which they immediately tried to play with as well. The skink had enough sense to high tail it out of there quick smart.

So anyhow, after being frozen in fear for a couple of seconds, I ran to the nearest door with the idea that I could maybe shoo the snake out that way (I should mention we live on 3 acres surrounded by Jarrah/Marri forrest and a state park on one boundary, and we are currently living in the shed while we build, which while very nice for a shed and lined and insulated, snakes don't apparently have any trouble finding a way in), then I ran to find the shovel (yes I know that is very frowned upon here, but you will have to make some allowance for my irrational fear... hear me out).

So by the time I got back with the shovel, the snake had high tailed it under the laundry trough and back into the wall space between the outside tin sheets and internal lining through the gap where the waste pipe comes into it. So I got on the phone to my wife who was on the way home with the kids to go to the neighbours and call the Ranger, all the while standing on a ladder outside the laundry looking in the window to see if the snake had come back out.

The ranger called the local relocation guy, who was great and raced out to help. So we spent the next few hours pulling apart the laundry, as I stood on top of the sink and undid screws so we could pull sheets off and try and find him. We never did and we all lived on egg shells for a few days. It's amazing how much braver I became when I had a trained expert standing next to me. I paid the relocation guy a nice little donation for coming out and after he was gone slowly put the sheets back on the wall, and then sealed up as many holes (on the inside) as I could with foamafill and silicone.

I actually happened across this forum the next day looking for info on the electronic snake repellents (which was none too flattering), and the funny thing is I kept coming back, About a month on now i'm much less fearfull and find myself looking everywhere I walk to try and find a reptile or snake, as I wan't to take some photos. Looking at the threads on here has gone a long way to curing my irrational fear.

After a day I started to worry the snake wouldn't be able to get out, so I ended up propping open an outside sheet of tin where he had gone back into the wall and left a bowl of water outside to try and lure him out. There weren't any snake tracks in the sand near the bowl, but a month on I assume he went out the way he came in eventually.

My wife had a python as a child and has been onto me for a while to get a snake for our kids, I have always been dead set against it, but now I actually find myself interested in the idea. I haven't told her that yet, but maybe when I finish the house a terarium would look pretty cool in the living area. The ones I like the look of are in this thread.


Being a newb I don't even know what type that is, and is most likely banned in WA, lol.

So after all that, I think i'm getting better (not quite there yet, but at least when I look at snake pics my skin doesn't crawl anymore, the elapid pics still do a bit:oops:, and promise not to shovel any snakes :?. The relocator has invited the family over to meet his pythons, so we are going to take him up on it soon.

Hope I haven't bored you too much, i'll be hanging around occassionally asking newb questions.



I'll leave you with a pic of the baby Bungarra my 4 year old son caught under the freezer the other day, we set him loose outside in a pile of rocks.
Great story Scott, and welcome to the fascinating world of reptiles. If only more people took a page out of your book... Especially loved how you graduated from hiding up-a-ladder to actually considering getting a snake as a pet.

Nice choice -The ones you like the look of are Jungle Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota cheynei). They also come in black & white, commonly called "Julatten Jungle Carpets".

Keep us informed on how you go with your reptile therapy. :p
Welcome mate. Yes being in WA does restrict what kind of pythons you can have. There is a carpet python similar to the ones you liked in that thread... Well similar but different. There's some pictures of the ones you can have in these links. They vary in colour quite a lot!

Also check out one of the site sponsors sites Home (click on forum on the right hand side)
Hi Guys, thanks for the welcome and info. I assume these are probably what the relocator has, I should hopefully get to meet some in the flesh soon. I really like the look of them.

What are they like temprament wise?

If I keep my eyes peeled I should be able to find one around the block tomorrow (jokes).
As far as temprament I have found them to be quite placid. Of course they are individuals and only one out of my 3 SWCP is a little cranky at times. Like most carpet pythons they can be a bit snappy when they are young, but they seem to quickly get used to being handled. A small SWCP bite is no worse than a kitten scratch anyway.
The only reason they are a bit bitey when young is because they are scared. Some people mistake this for being agressive, when it's clearly not the case. Having the understanding that the animal is stressed and scared when young will help to give you a lot more patience when handeling.
I'm glad you are looking at getting a carpet as your first snake. Thats what I got as my first snake :)
Sadly most people in WA start with a stimson python as their first snake as they are less threatened by them. I've got some stimi's too. But for me they are no where near as interesting as my carpets. Each to their own though :)
Dugites in the house?!? Jarrah forests?!?! Do you have a room for rent and a chainsaw I can borrow!??! LOL! I can then pay my rent with beautiful timber furniture and snake relocations!

Welcome to APS mate!
Nice story Scott :)
Hope to see pics of your family with your new python in the near future.
Your wife will be surprised and happy, I'm sure. You will have to tell us how that conversation goes ;)

LOL Good yarn. I take it your not in Argyle then. Oh and your baby bungarra is a juvenile King Skink, Egernia kingii. The young bloke did well to get a hand on him, they can fairly move out.
LOL Good yarn. I take it your not in Argyle then. Oh and your baby bungarra is a juvenile King Skink, Egernia kingii. The young bloke did well to get a hand on him, they can fairly move out.

Hi Steve, definately in Argyle, the locality down south not the diamond mine.

The skink had been under the freezer for a few days, the cats had been posted on either side of it for the whole time waiting to get him, he must have been pretty tired and dehydrated by the time he tried to make a move.

Thanks for the other replies, I showed the wife this post today and she was quite thrilled, but also quick to point out that when she has put the idea forward 3 months ago I had made the point only freaks own snakes:oops:.

I think a carpet python will be the one for us, i'm not into Blondes so the stimis don't really appeal to me. Now I just need to figure out how to trick the DEC into thinking a white/black jungle is just a colour reduced Southwest:lol:.

And snake_whisperer, if another elapid turns up inside I will give you a call, you can knockup an outdoor setting at the same time:lol:.
Hey mate Whats the general area of Argyle, I feel a little silly I'm a born and bread West Aussie and I've never heard of it.
Dead in the middle between Boyanup and Donnybrook, About 20 minutes from Bunbury. Don't feel silly, most of the people who live in Bunbury don't know where it is.
My wife had a python as a child and has been onto me for a while to get a snake for our kids, I have always been dead set against it, but now I actually find myself interested in the idea. I haven't told her that yet, but maybe when I finish the house a terarium would look pretty cool in the living area. The ones I like the look of are in this thread.
I am always impressed when someone overcomes their fears, be it snakes, heights, water or sock puppets and I would just like to say well done. If you do get a pet you will find that wild encounters will become enjoyable and not a thing to fear.

Dugites in the house?!? Jarrah forests?!?! Do you have a room for rent and a chainsaw I can borrow!??! LOL! I can then pay my rent with beautiful timber furniture and snake relocations!

Welcome to APS mate!
Jarrah! EEK! I built a bed out of Jarrah when I lived in SA. It was a beautiful thing but the timber is so hard to work with (blunted all my blades) and the bed was so heavy that once in place it wasn't ever moved. And I didn't dull the edges so they stayed sharp and painful. Looked great though!
hahaha awesome story charger. was excactly the same . fine with spiders but **** scared of snakes, then one day while buying some dog food at the local pet shop saw a few SW and stimmies. reckon i had my head glued to the glass for at least half an hour until the missus dragged me out. came back home found this site and did a bit of research for a few months a voila :D http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/introductions-56/first-snake-d-imbricata-148803/ i'm always looking for them now down around the lake (where i would stay well clear off before for that very reason during the warmer months haha)
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