If you are over 30 you should find this hilarious!

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I bet nobody really cared that much about the age difference between your parents as much as they would care these days either. Age gap doesn't worry me but I know people who think it's taboo.

um, there is a story i tell people: my parents met in a psych ward and my mum has 3 sons older than her!

my Mum, met my Dad (Step dad, but i dont differentiate as he was the one who did all the things a dad does my whole life) when they both were nursing in the psych ward at the toowoomba base hospital. until the day they got married they told every one that he was 36 (he's a very handsome scotsmen who holds his age remarkably. even now at 81 he is just starting to look old), when my mums family found out that he was actually 2 years older than my grandfather, they all turned against my dad. still to this day my grandfather and dad rarely talk.

He also has 3 boys that are older than mum by a couple of years with his first wife, and my younger sister he had when he was 60 to his 2nd wife (who also went to school with my mum!)

LOL. Well thats my disfunctional family!
I'm a bit disappointed at all of the trampolines in my neighbourhood having safety nets... Takes all the fun out of double bouncing :(

HAHAH Broke an arm on the real McCoy's no nets came a cropper when one of the other 5 kids pushed me off....B.....She was,... If your out there Nicole I still remember...lol
There's a name for this but I can't remember what it's called and on my phone so Googling is too hard. Basically every generation thinks their generation had it so much harder than the current one(s). I don't see the point in putting a damper on the fact that life is getting easier (in a lot of ways, not all). Just enjoy it and be happy you're alive to see it at all

Im all for life getting neasier! thank god for disposible nappies!

I'm a bit disappointed at all of the trampolines in my neighbourhood having safety nets... Takes all the fun out of double bouncing :(

Hubby was having panic attacks when Tilly got on old school trampoline! Until i reminded him that we both had them and we are still here to tell the tale!
Bahahah with friends like that right lol ....
they probably thught you were dead hahaha

Lmao probably; the funny thing is it was my sister and some friends of the family who were basically brothers and sisters to us. We all had some good times, and have some hilarious stories under our belts :D

I'm a bit disappointed at all of the trampolines in my neighbourhood having safety nets... Takes all the fun out of double bouncing :(

Double bouncing's what knocked me out haha, all I remember is my best mate's back shooting up at me as he went to db us, then next thing I know I'm waking up with a cracker headache, lying on the side of the tramp and nobody in sight. Aah, memories...

My guess is the generation before you thought you were spoilt little brats too, not everyone has that easy and its not our fault that technology has evolved from when dinosaurs roamed the earth, if your so pissed off about it get of the internet and go write your whinge in a book!

Back in my day sonny-jim kids didn't take a little reminisce as a personal slight ;)
Lighten up, nobody's pissed-off, go ride your bike or something while us adults remember our heyday, like that awesome party we had shortly after the wheel was invented. :p
um, there is a story i tell people: my parents met in a psych ward and my mum has 3 sons older than her!

my Mum, met my Dad (Step dad, but i dont differentiate as he was the one who did all the things a dad does my whole life) when they both were nursing in the psych ward at the toowoomba base hospital. until the day they got married they told every one that he was 36 (he's a very handsome scotsmen who holds his age remarkably. even now at 81 he is just starting to look old), when my mums family found out that he was actually 2 years older than my grandfather, they all turned against my dad. still to this day my grandfather and dad rarely talk.

He also has 3 boys that are older than mum by a couple of years with his first wife, and my younger sister he had when he was 60 to his 2nd wife (who also went to school with my mum!)

LOL. Well thats my disfunctional family!

I think that's nice apart from your grandfather getting cranky about it. Not sure why it bothers people so much, I don't care. As long as they love each other everyone else can get stuffed :D

I know a couple who are now in their 60s, they got married when they were 16 and everyone including their friends didn't think it would last, but boy were they wrong! They're a lovely couple.
Back in my day sonny-jim kids didn't take a little reminisce as a personal slight ;)
Lighten up, nobody's pissed-off, go ride your bike or something while us adults remember our heyday, like that awesome party we had shortly after the wheel was invented. :p

Bahahaha! back in my day kids didnt speak unless spoken to!

I think that's nice apart from your grandfather getting cranky about it. Not sure why it bothers people so much, I don't care. As long as they love each other everyone else can get stuffed :D

I know a couple who are now in their 60s, they got married when they were 16 and everyone including their friends didn't think it would last, but boy were they wrong! They're a lovely couple.

Mum and Dad just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. Dad rang up everyone that had doubtef them to ask what they had to say now! Including my grandfather!
Bahahaha! Mum and Dad just celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. Dad rang up everyone that had doubtef them to ask what they had to say now! Including my grandfather!

That's awesome!!! The doubters can shove that right up their backsides! Good for them :)
) You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your bottom and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?!

And it was black n white,...what a jip. 70's yer kool if you liked travelling in the car for hours with three adults smoking choking the living crap outta ya.

Curlie fly traps that looked like opened film rolls hangin from the ceiling. lino that was orange and brown,...matching kitchen tiles to boot.

Streamers off the handle bars....and chinzano at the bbq at everyones house...wt....

:shock::shock::shock::lol: too many memories.... please stop!!!
Reminded me of this :D

As a child of the 50's I never had a phone at home.
Age 5 I headed for the creek in the the predawn with a vegemite sandwich I made myself and as long as I was back before dark no-one cared where I was or what I was up to.
I did walk 3 miles to school and back (with a bit of herping on the way).
I wasn't afraid of strangers, I did my share of the housework (or no pocket money), I thought LOST IN SPACE was the ultimate in television viewing and loved HOW AND WHY NATURE BOOKS!

I left home at 15 and worked hard but had plenty of self funded run amock periods. Got caught being bad by the cops and got a severe flogging (fully approved by the society of the day) and wasn't bad again (ha ha just made sure they didnt catch me).

I'm glad I was a kid when I was, compared to the paranoid, plastic, self centred society we have today it was a richer and freeer place. We even got a functioning immune system from exposure to mud, dirt and minor injury and most of all there was actual COMMUNITY!
ok so i stole that original post and printed it off and have taped it to my teens pillow( we are not talking )cos i broke her mobile phone hell i paid for it too and pfft besides she knew we were going to clean and hose down the neighbours porch and i squirted her with the hose ( back when i was a kid we found that fun and i still do) and she had her phone down her top the silly child and is mad cos it got wet thought the original post was good ! i wish we lived now like we did then life was so much easier and more fun and less sterile
I haven't read everypost, but I dont think the kids of today have it better. I'm 34 and remember being able to get on my bike as a 10 yr old with my brother and ride of into the sunset and be home by dinner. being able to go into the bush and wonder around all day. being able to ride around all day without a helmet on. going to new housing estates and climb the frame works of all the new houses. Being a dad, i couldn't let my kids do this now. While my kids may have access to the internet and all these mod cons, they don't have it any better.
I haven't read everypost, but I dont think the kids of today have it better. I'm 34 and remember being able to get on my bike as a 10 yr old with my brother and ride of into the sunset and be home by dinner. being able to go into the bush and wonder around all day. being able to ride around all day without a helmet on. going to new housing estates and climb the frame works of all the new houses. Being a dad, i couldn't let my kids do this now. While my kids may have access to the internet and all these mod cons, they don't have it any better.

Did you read the OP? Easier, not better.
Soap no longer works.......kids soap tastes almost as good as it smells! :lol: My dad used chilli's for bad language & ciggie butts when he caught my brother & i smoking! :?

I used to use mustard with my kids, till I realised one actually loved the stuff and took mustard sandwiches to work!!!!! (mustard was a natural substance with no chemicals!!)
We have Peri Peri for our son............he runs when he sees it.:)
Soap no longer works.......kids soap tastes almost as good as it smells! :lol: My dad used chilli's for bad language & ciggie butts when he caught my brother & i smoking! :?

We use gel based soap at our place... I have two memories of bars of soap being used at my place, the first one was when I was about 5 years old and said a word I shouldn't have to my friend on the phone... my mother had the other phone and was listening :shock: I got a bar of soap in my mouth... I'll never forget the taste.

The other soap memory is the one where we used a bar a soap to clean a dog we found on a highway, the soap went from a cream colour to black, and then when my uncle came to stay he used that soap in the shower :lol:
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