If you are over 30 you should find this hilarious!

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yeah Rusty didn't count for much back then lol it was like big deal .... i still have a Bike!!!!
now days a lot of kids wouldn't get on it if it had a little rust ... or wasn't perfect looking .... i mean ...whatever would their FRIENDS think .....
i had a rusty lil bmx from the markets. loved it. then i upgraded to a kermit the frog green with a fluro pink bell. they certainly saw you coming !
I learned to ride on my mother's mountain bike lmao; literally do or splat as my feet couldn't touch the ground and I had to stand on the pedals. My very first bike was a green BMX one of my mother's boyfriends found, rusty and slightly too small, but we had some good times building up ramps for it :D
To this day I don't feel entirely comfortable sitting down to pedal lmao!
Your second hand rebuilt BMX wasn't cool unless you had a set of shiny foot pegs (chicken bars as we called them) on the back wheel so your friends could get a "dink".
Popping a "mono" was way cooler than riding no hands.
hahahaha in my day we didn't have the foot pegs you speak of lol ..... to "dink" we used to have someone sit on the back of the 2 foot long seat (wasn't really that long but sure seemed it now)lol and the rider would stand up to peddle ,,,, it was great less you got to much speed up and got the speed wobbles ..... that cost me a front tooth on the handle bars and busted open lip not to say anything of the telling off i got when we got home as we were not ment to "Dink" lol
I agree completely with this last statement. I have never been into electronics, although my brothers, sisters and a lot of my friends are mad for it. I have a laptop and a 20+ year old NEC tv, and I know a lot of my friends that are getting that new bloody I-Phone 4gs smartphone thingy for christmas lol. If you put some of my friends back in 1960, they would probably go insane with boredom.

Another point I will raise, in my opinion electronics are crap nowadays. They might have all that android, mega-fast internet stuff (which will no doubt be incredibly convenient at times) but as soon as you look at them the wrong way they will break. We have a 43 year old microwave in our kitchen (yes, 43..) and our family of 10 has had it for the last 12 years, and it still works fine. It weights about 30 kilos, but it is the best microwave we have ever had.

I am with you, the most I use is the computer for an hour of two, but my brothers and sisters will spend hours on the PSP and things like that and still try to get more time evan once mum has told them to get off :shock:
I can't go more than three hours with out getting a head ach,:shock:
I can remember when pythons actually fetched a good price.
I grew up in Toowoomba and there always seemed to be heaps of cicadas. every evening my brother and i would go and catch them. But since ive moved to sydney i havent seen or heard a single one! where do i look fugawi?

Here at my place......haven't heard them for so long either so it was a nice surprise when I did also other sounds that I don't recognise, will find out though. Loving it!!

In the 60s I use to walk to the corner shop to buy Mum 3 packets of Rothmans for $1.00 and 1c worth of lollies.
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Well that's a blind attitude. Rape, cancer, depression and the like were still as prevalent back in the day sweets, but without the internet they weren't spoken about as freely. Not to mention the whole 'it's just not spoken of' attitude which used to run rife amongst the previous generations. It's the one thing I bless about this day and age is that it's relatively freer to speak of such matters, not quite as shocking anymore, but still a big deal and with a whole lot more support.
Good lord, you're right though about the nothing better to do. I don't know about you other 80s kids but all that fresh air, camping, bbqs and the like really grated on my nerves. To be honest I don't know how we did it...
That was a pretty insensitive and ill-thought post there.

So are you guys pissed off you didn't have all the technological advances that younger generations do or glad because instead you had more fresh air, camping, BBQ's and quality time?

I resent people claiming certain generations have things easier than the next. It's a complete generalisation.
hehehehe back in that day it didn't matter if you had a bike made up from 10 other bikes it was still a bike lol .....
all my childhood i dont think i EVER owned a brand new bike .... i think the best one i had was a hand me down from one of my step sisters when she out grew it

I got my first push bike when I was about 3. I had it for many years, and when I got a new bike, I went to show it to my next door neighbour but forgot that the brakes on my new bike weren't worn down and worked much better... I grabbed the front brake and flipped myself over the handlebars :lol:
My daughter learned to drive a tinny (small power boat) before she learned to ride a pushbike (if she ever did, never did see it!)

All depends where you grow up.
Ahh...BMX bikes....Before they came in it was cool to have a Dragster with the long seat and a sissy bar, chopper type handlebars with streamers out the ends and last but not least a basket. I grew up in the Ryde area when BMX started to become popular and the warehouse storing all the new BMXs in Meadowbank burned down....Weeell .....over the next few months the word got out and just about every kid in the Ryde area suddenly had a Redline or a Mongoose they were "fixing up". The frames, handlebars, forks and cogs were the only things salvagable so we had to have a crash course in stripping down a bike to the individual bearings, buying new parts to complete the job and we all learned to spray paint. Strangely we all had these top quality BMXs and we all knew how to fix them up. Oh, remember the plastic rims that when you buckled them you put them in the freezer to pop them out.:)
So are you guys pissed off you didn't have all the technological advances that younger generations do or glad because instead you had more fresh air, camping, BBQ's and quality time?

I resent people claiming certain generations have things easier than the next. It's a complete generalisation.

Like I said earlier, nobody's pissed-off. I personally never said anyone has it easier, quite the contrary: These days everything's so overcomplicated it's hard to know where you start or finish. I think in the quest to make a lot of things easier so much else has suffered, so no, I don't think everyone's got it easier these days. I don't think everyone had it easier in my day either (although come on, I'm not that old; it's still my day to me...), I just think everyone had to live their life the best way they could given their own experiences.
I don't know you or your experiences and how they have shaped you, just as much as you don't know me and my experiences. Those people who do know me to that extent I can count on one hand, but that's beside the point.
The majority of people who have replied on this thread have done so to share their childhood experiences, a bit of 'nostalgia corner', nothing more. It's a bit of fun, not a whinge at this generation's expense, at least it's a reminisce for me.
Relax! I'm glad for my memories, glad for my family and glad for each breath I have after the last. But hey, I'm just an idealist on the other end of the internet.
This thread was very light hearted most of the way through and all in a bit of fun.

You are posting as if you are looking for a fight. Please go do that elsewhere. and let us enjoy this thread. Not everything on here needs to turn into an arguement.... As the thread title says "if you are over 30 you SHOULD find this hilarious". Doesnt mean you have to but why cant you just let the rest of us enjoy it, please.
No not a fight. How ridiculous. It's simply incomparable in my opinion which i can express no matter how many people have replied with 'lol agree'd' to your thread. Have as much light hearted fun as you like, still reminds me of done to death comments about how kids of today don't leave home and spend too much time on the computer. No matter what your intent that's just what entered my mind upon reading it.
It seems a lot of kids don't leave home these days because they can't afford it. I'm one of them. I love my family but as an adult I still feel restricted living at home. A friend of mine is working two jobs so she can afford to live in a tiny flat.
It seems a lot of kids don't leave home these days because they can't afford it. I'm one of them. I love my family but as an adult I still feel restricted living at home. A friend of mine is working two jobs so she can afford to live in a tiny flat.

That's a large part of why i posted in the first place. My sister in her mid Twenties was able to buy her own two bedroom place and has to put everything she has into keeping it, and too bad if you want to remain single with your own place. You almost have to get hitched just to bundle two incomes together, then you might get somewhere, it's insane.
It's the same deal with my friend, she bought the flat she's living in and struggles to keep it. I couldn't do it, I help with reptile displays part time, and that's plenty for me, I'm on disability because of my 3 neurological disorders, and mentally I can't handle anything more than what I already do, looks like I'll be stuck at home until I find a nice guy...
I find the older I get the more I HATE school holidays.

Bah humbug!
Something that gets to me is the arguments about the kids who spend WAY too much time on the computer.......to a certain degree, that is their parents fault anyway. It is us who buy them their computers, game consoles & mobiles, it is really up to us to be sure they are not on them too much! & as for kids not leaving home these days......not only is it very hard to survive out on your own in the big scary world, but majority of cases the parents have done absolutley nothing to prepare their children for the outside world in the first place. They do everything for them, & when their 'babies' do help around the house, they are paid 'pocket money'! A mate of mine, who is 26yrs old, still lives at home with her parents, her mum does EVERYTHING for her, she doesnt even know how to heat a tin of soup for herself! So although yes, lazy on her behalf, at the end of the day i feel it her parents responsibilty to actually stop doing everything for her & let her be a big girl! My kids at 9 & 6 both help with dishes, they help with preparing meals, they help clean walls, they feed the pets & they do their own rooms.......do i pay them for helping, no freaking way, they live under this roof also! So while yes, many kids do have it way too easy, at the end of the day, its up to us to 'put our foot down' & make sure we are preparing our babies for the big world outside the safety of mum & dad's arms. Trust me, kids will only do what they know they can get away with, & hell, id move back home & do nothing aswell if my parents loved me like that! :lol:

It's the same deal with my friend, she bought the flat she's living in and struggles to keep it. I couldn't do it, I help with reptile displays part time, and that's plenty for me, I'm on disability because of my 3 neurological disorders, and mentally I can't handle anything more than what I already do, looks like I'll be stuck at home until I find a nice guy...

I just wanted to make it clear that i have nothing against your situation! Not being able to afford to be out on your own is a good reason not to be. Its the fact that some are never even taught 'how to' that gets to me.......from previous posts i have read of your's, you know how to look after yourself, & you were taught responsibilties, BIG difference to those who have been given everything on a platter & then have their parents turn around & say they are lazy & they need to get out!
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