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That's news to me...

This topic is raised every bloody week and always devolves into an argument with people quoting a variety of different definitions and dribble...

...surprise, surprise it seems to have happened again...

yes your right in that perspective, i have been avoiding this debate for a good 5 days already and to a point of not even reading the posts but i guess im back here again. but may i add that you have also been one of those who have posted these definitions and dribble;)
Exactly, dogs have been bred for human purposes and are domesticated, thankfuly snakes aren't domesticated yet.....

There is nothing wrong with natural intergrades other then it makes it easier to sell hybrids as something they are not.

If snakes became domesticated who would need a noisy dog to fetch their slippers or the news paper.
I don't see why people have such a hard time understanding such a simple concept. I managed to explain the difference between a intergrade and a hybrid to a non-herp person in a matter of minutes. They easily grasped the idea. It is really not that difficult. Yet some people are still arguing otherwise until they are blue in the face.
This thread is going around in circles so, oh my god, it's now closed.
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