my first rescue of the month

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Maybe its the rough scales and claws they have... I was terrified of both lizards and snakes until we got them

:cry: you have hurt my heart! :lol: Nah, i know, it is really weird, but others have mentioned being afraid of lizards & not i know i am not the only one! It bugs me a bit, cause i try really hard to pick them up, ive even tried having others put them on my hand for me...... :oops: i cried! I really have no idea why, all i do know is that when they look at me, i get goosebumps on top of goosebumps!
Yeah, im not parrot has claws, & im ok with them, it confuses the hell out of me! I do hope the OP has good news about this 'old boy' though, as i said, although i am afraid of them, i do love to watch long as they dont watch me back! ;)
Hopefully he turns out to be quite healthy and just in need of a good feed & some TLC. Can they guess at an age? How long is he?

he is about a foot?? long i dont know how to tell the age but the vets said he was a *lovely old boy* so about 7 years give or take?

He is beautiful... I have the same "gift" you do... All the hurt and sick animals for some reason turn up at my house or I find them on my way places... They must know that your a good person and will look after them
thanks its odd i dont think i have a gift or anything its more like a compulsion i see a hurt lost or sick animal and i have to help or i feel guilty lol i am such a sad puppy i know :)

and Bel I dont think your strange i dont think thats strange at all i like most animals and have a fear of mice and rats lol yet i love chinchillas and sugar gliders i love snakes but dont have any really want one but am scared of them for no reason at all that i can think of so i will be getting a childs or a stims soon as i move out cos for someone who is scared of snakes i would love to have a green tree python
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Excuse my ignorance, as i have always had a fear of lizards......i would be one of those people who called them frilly's :oops: So bearded dragons & frilly's are 2 different lizards or is there just no such thing as a 'frilly'? Sorry for such a silly question, but i am actually very interested now, as i have been trying to 'get brave' & overcome my fear, my partner & children want lizards, so i have been spending time with & trying to handle my sister in laws 'frilly's'.......which is what i believed they were called......they do have frills :oops:

Hope your rescue gets the all clear anyway, even though i am afraid, i do find them to be very beautiful to look at!

Hi Bel; there is a big difference in the temperament between a frilly and a beardie. Maybe a good way to overcome your fear is to watch someone handle an adult beardie even on youtube or the net. You will be amazed at how affectionate they are; I was sceptical in the early days and didn`t believe a reptile could actually enjoy human contact, but now, with my own rescued fella and stories by countless others, I know that most of them love a scratch under the beard or the back of their head. My beardie was a wild lizard 3 months ago; now he walks up my leg, onto my arm, and nudges my hand till i scratch him. I will put a video of this on this site as not many people believe this!! They are definitely a great pet to have and I would recommend a beardie to anyone young or old! :)
Thanks Danster, i will give it a try, a work mate has beardies, i will talk to him. Of the 3 frilly's the in laws have though there is only one that doesnt like handling too much, the other 2 are alot like your beardie you above, they follow my sister in law around, they try climb up her arms & legs, they are really really just really really wuss! :lol:
It looks like a mix between a beardie, a black soil and a mountain dragon. Cool looking guy. He doesn't look to thin. If he gets back to eating he should be fine. I normally use eating as a sign of health. The first thing they seem to do is stop eating
It looks like a male but I cannot tell for sure from the angle of the pics. It is typical of a dragon that is not feeling well – dark coloured and subdued posture. There are no obvious wounds visible from this angle but it is clearly not happy about its recent past experience. Barring any internal injuries, it should bounce back fairly quickly. They are pretty resilient lizards.

I have every confidence in your ability to rehabilitate this fellow.

well Mr wild Beardie ( Jo yard for short cos he was in jo's yard) is being relsead today someone from the clinic is bringing him to my place and i am taking him and his escort into the reserve where he more than likely came from and we will be releasing him :)

Yes Blue he is a he : and he has bounced back real well so sometime today he will be getting one last rub rom me and a stern talking to about NOT going into a yard with any furry critters in it ( i hope he listens...i get crap for talking to lizards frogs birds and such but hey i like talking to them)
a HUGE THANK YOU to everyones positivity on here and i hope you all have a great weekend and love your reps and pets well!
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