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Active Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Bendigo Victoria
Did anyone just watch KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES they just showed some redneck killing a baby Eastern Brown snake. She had a bucket and a shovel easy solution but no she bloody killed it and was proud about it!!!!!
Yeah, way to show the rest of Australia "the best way" to deal with a snake.
I saw that. Couldn't believe it. NO attempt to relocate it, and as you say... she had a spade & a bucket for God's sake!
I really wanna do something about this i am so pissed off. Wonder how she would like it if i took a spade to her leg!!
Absolutely disgusting!!! I urge all of you to make a written complaint about the killing of native wildlife on a national television program! AND it was directly after a Veterinary program....
I hope National Parks get involved, why shouldn't they be fined for killing a native animal????

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how would she like it if i chopped off her head it is disgusting the snake should have bit her and sent her crying
I am soo glad I don't watch TV.. keep in mind a good 80% of Australia would just kill the snake, narrow minded people... :(
Damn it, I forgot it was on tonight. Im glad I didnt see it ! A word that springs to mind is "uneducated" :x
hmmm, there goes my rspca suspicions again, why dont they do anything about??? is it allright if its on a TV show...i think not
its put it simple
As much as I don't agree with what the young lady did, it is common practice all over the country. There is a loop hole in the law stating that it is not illegal to kill a native animal if it is endagering your family, pets or livestock!!!
My biggest beef is that (in my opinion) it was clearly not a brown snake as stated! She may well have killed a harmless snake. I didn't see enough of it to postively identify it but it certainly did not look like a brown to me. What about the turtle kept without a licence, what about the salty travelled hundreds of kms in the searing heat on the back of a cruiser????
Not good to see on TV but let's hope this does raise the issue of killing native reptile through ignorance.
Then the narrator said "If there's an Eastern Brown on your property, killing is the only thing to do." Um excuse my but have you ever heard of
omg i just saw it dosen't a every good e.g. for that lttle kid dose it
calm down, OMG, i love snakes too but it was in the house yard and they have a little kid, they would be so many snakes there that they wouldnt want to relocate it, baby crocs and turtles cant kill a 3 year old and they sell the crocs anyway, i have snakes and i love them but i wouldnt chance it with my daughter running around the yard, surley some of you have kids.
You are more likely to get bitten relocating than you are killing.
this happened in the same state that some tv celebrities who ate a rat were persecuted.... hmmn
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